•Chapter 30• London

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"Okay, the company set up a city tour, and then we'll grab a bite and head to the airport." Mr. Harrington called out to the kids. The kids all followed him toward the bus. "Is no one else going to acknowledge how crazy this is?" Brad cut in. The whole class turned to him. "I get it. There's been nothing scientific about this science tour." Mr. Dell complained. He stood beside his fellow teacher and looked at Brad. "No, I'm talking about Peter. Has no one noticed how shady he is? Because I saw him in the back room of a rest stop with Y/n when she wasn't even here. They were doing god knows what. I had a picture, but it's gone. She drops in unannounced. And, Peter, he's always sneaking away, like back at the opera? Now he's suddenly off the trip with his family in Berlin? Y/n's gone as well, without saying a word. Is no one else interested in the truth?" Brad rambled. Ned opened his mouth to defend his friends when MJ stopped him. "The very concept of the objective truth is fading out of the world." She said. Ned frowned at her. "George Orwell. Thank you, MJ." Brad smiled. She shrugged and glanced over her shoulder briefly at Ned. "Well, since Peter's not here to tell his truth... what about you, Brad? Why are you taking pictures of people in the bathroom?" She questioned. Flash stepped forward. He pointed his phone at the boy, probably still live-streaming. "Yeah, dude, what's that about?" He calls out to him. Brad was at a loss for words. He started rambling that it wasn't like that. He was quickly interrupted by Mr. Harrington. "Let's just put all this craziness behind us and have a nice, peaceful afternoon. 'Sounds great, Mr. Harrington,' said the class. Okay." He said. The group turned around to follow their teacher. Brad looked at MJ sadly, but she ignored him. 

Mr. Dell walked up to the kid. "I'm gonna be the cool teacher right now." He started, "You gotta stop doing that. Okay? It's weird." He tells him. Brad nodded slowly. He began to feel a bit dizzy. "No more photos in the bathroom. Urinal or stalls. Okay?" Mr. Dell added before walking away. Brad's nose started to bleed from the embarrassment. He wiped it away and rushed after his classmates. They all stood in front of the red bus. A man stood in front of it, waiting for the class. "Look at this, guys!" Mr. Harrington called out excitedly. The kids all passed the driver, greeting him as they got on the bus. "Nice to see you all. Come along." He smiled. Ned looked at the driver, a tad suspicious. He didn't trust anyone anymore. MJ gave him a little nudge to keep walking. The driver just gave them a sweet smile. Once everyone was inside, he checked if anyone was watching or left out. "I got the kids." He said in his earpiece. He turned around and stepped onto the bus. The doors shut tightly and he drove off. "Why did you look at him like that?" MJ asked Ned. "I don't trust him. Anyone could be in disguise right now. We don't know." He replied. They stood on top of the bus. A large cloud appeared, thunder roaring. "Okay, yeah, I don't like that. Something's up." She said. "You're a FOS now. 'Friend of Spider-Man'. Just stay calm. It's not real." He reminds her. "It doesn't look good," MJ replied.

"What?" Nick Fury snapped at her. "Hey, it's me. Ease up, old man." Y/n replied as she steered the plane. Fury glared at her. "What do you want, Stark?" He asked. "Well, I was going through some of my dad's belongings. There was a surfboard you left behind." She read out from the note Happy left for her. Fury just looked at her with an angry look in his eyes. "People said that they didn't think Nick Fury was a surfer, but I said: 'Appearances can be deceiving'." She tells him. "It's not mine. And don't ever call this number again." Fury gritted between his teeth. He then hung up the phone. Y/n rolled her eyes and tossed the note to the other side. "Fury got the coded message!" She called out, "You really couldn't think of anything better?" Y/n asked. "It's good enough." Happy replied. He made his way over to Peter. "Your friends are at the Tower Bridge. Your boy called it the London Bridge, but I figured it out. I'm gonna go scoop them up, okay?" He said. Peter nodded in response. "How's the suit coming?" Happy asked. "Almost done," Peter answered. "Good," Happy said. he turned around to walk back to the cockpit. Peter stopped. "Wait, wait," he started, "Before you go. If something happens to me, could you please give this to Y/n?" He asked. Happy shook his head a little. "You're gonna make it back. You'll give it to her yourself. Okay? You got this." He assured the boy. Peter sighed and nodded. "I got this." He repeated to himself. He hides the Black Daliah necklace in his pocket instead of giving it to Happy. "Now, walk me through it." Happy said. "I know it is illusion tech right? All I have to do is get inside the illusion, then I can take it down, find him, and he's just a gut. So I can take Edith right back." Peter explained. Happy nodded in agreement. "Right, but last time you got hit by a train." He reminds Peter. "True, but this time..." He started. He let out a sigh, not wanting to say it out loud. "How do I explain this? I have a... sixth sense." He mumbled. Happy nodded. "The Peter-tingle. That's what you're talking about right? But it's not working. I heard it's not working." Happy replied. Peter squinted his eyes in embarrassment. "It's working. Well...I don't know if it's working." He sighed. "Okay, so you got Peter-tingle. That's the plan. I'm gonna go get your friends. You get that Peter-tingle back online." Happy tells him. 

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