•Chapter 3• Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

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Peter and Y/n sat down at a large table in the back of the cafeteria. Ned wasn't there yet. This gave the two some time to talk. "I seriously don't understand how you do this every day," Y/n tells him. "It's boring, yes, but I manage to get through." He informs her, "I always get a sandwich and go on patrol after school." He continued. Y/n pouts at him. "Is that all you do? Go to school, get lunch, go on patrol? That sounds boring." She complained. Peter shrugs. "The sandwiches are great." He tells her. "I'm sure they are. But, don't you have like...other things to do?" She asked him. He shook his head. "Not really." He answered. Y/n tilts her head slightly. "That's boring, man. Maybe you should come by my place someday. We got all the toys to play with. By the way, did you ever notice your hair is a little curly?" She blurted out. She raised her hand to touch his hair when Peter grabbed her wrist. "Please, don't do that." He tells her. Their faces were very close. Their eyes met and the gazing began. Peter couldn't stop looking into her beautiful eyes. And neither could Y/n. It was a strange feeling the two had while looking into each other's eyes. Peter got snapped out of his gaze when his eyes fell on his best friend walking toward them. "Shoot, Ned's coming." He whispered. He let go of her wrist. Y/n raised her eyebrow. "Who?" She questions. Before Peter could answer, his best friend sat next to him. "Hey, did you see Liz?" The boy asked Peter. Peter shook his head. "No, why? Did something happen?" He asked concerned. "Nothing bad. She's just over there." Ned replied. He pointed at a girl who stood on a ladder. Both of them were completely in trance by her. Y/n looked at the girl as well. "What's so interesting about her?" She asked him. Peter kept his eyes focused on Liz. As if their staring contest never happened. "Did Liz get a new top?" He asked his best friend. "No, we've seen that before. Just never with that skirt." Ned tells Peter. "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though," Peter replied. "Too late." A female voice responded. The three snapped their heads toward the sound. "You guys are losers." The girl said. "Then why do you sit with us?" Ned asked. "Because I don't have any friends." The girl replied. The two boys turned away again. Y/n tapped Peter's shoulder. He turned to her. "So?" She asked him. Ned's attention then turned to Y/n as well. "Who are you?" He asked. "She's no one." Peter interrupted. Y/n glared at him. "Hey." She responded while looking at Peter. She looked at Ned. "I'm Y/n." She tells the boy, "I'm new." She added. "Cool! So, you two know each other?" Ned asked. Peter nodded in response. "Stark internship." He answered. Ned gasped a little. "Dude, it's that why you always-" he started. "What? No, no, no! It's not like that, Ned. We're just friends." Peter cut him off. The three continued to eat their lunch. "So, he doesn't know?" Y/n asked quietly. "No, no one does besides you and your dad. I thought you knew that." Peter replied. "My dad doesn't share everything with me, you know." She informs him.

Later that day, Happy had parked next to the school as he waited for Y/n. The loud ringing of the school bell hurt his ears. After a few seconds, he saw the girl walking out of the school. She made her way toward him. "How was school?" He asked her. Y/n shrugged. "Very boring." She replied. She turned around to see Peter jumping over the huge fence of the school. Happy cleared his throat for her to snap back to reality. "What? That kid just jumped over it." Y/n said. Happy rolls his eyes at her. "In the car." He tells her. "Yes, grumpy." She mocked him. She opened the door of the backseat and got in. Happy sat down in the driver's seat. He glanced over his shoulder. "That wasn't funny the first time you said it." He tells her. Y/n shrugged. "It is to me. What did I upset you, grumpy?" She asked. Happy rolls his eyes and starts the car. He drove off keeping his eyes focused on the road. "Hey, have you heard anything from Nat?" Y/n asked the man. To her disappointment, he shook his head. "She's not coming back, kid. Don't waste your time on her." Happy tells her. Y/n sighed loudly. "I know. I just miss her." Y/n replied quietly. She grabbed her phone from her bag and unlocked it. "Anything I missed?" She asked him. She had received some pictures from her father. She opened them, revealing a beautiful bedroom. Her dream bedroom. "Yeah, we transferred some of your stuff to the new facility when you were gone. Well, most of it. Do you like it?" He asked her. Y/n had a bright smile on her face. "It's beautiful." She replied. "So when will I move?" She asked. "By the end of this week." Happy answered, "Your dad doesn't want you to be in an empty room for too long." He added. Y/n smiled to herself. "That's sweet. But, what about my suit? The lab?" She asked Happy. The man holds up one of his hands. "Your dad has taken care of all of it. Don't worry about it." He assures her. "I won't." She tells him. She focuses her eyes back on her phone. She scrolled through her gallery to find some pictures of her and Natasha. She smiled to herself. "Smile!" Y/n called as she held up her phone. Natasha glanced up while she took a sip of her smoothie. She smiled at the camera. Y/n giggled and sat back down. "Thanks for taking me out to do this. I really needed to get out of there." Natasha thanked her. Y/n shrugged. "That's what friends are for. Besides, I had to get away from the old man." She tells her friend. The redhead laughed. "What did you do?" She asked. "I was working on something and used his shield as a table," Y/n explained. Natasha almost busted into laughter. "And then he started to lecture me about responsibilities and that the shield wasn't made for this. I just had to get out of it." Y/n continued her story.

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