•Chapter 34• Doctor Strange

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Peter approaches the Sanctum Sanctorum. He is about to knock on the door when they are already open in front of him. He furrows his eyebrows and steps inside carefully. Everything inside was frozen and covered with snow. On the side were two people he didn't know. They were shoveling snow into buckets. "Um, hi," He speaks up. They stop and stare at him, not saying anything. Starting to feel a little uncomfortable, Peter waves at them. "Hi, I'm -" He started. Suddenly, a portal opens beside him, and Wong steps inside the Sanctum. "The most famous person in the world. I know. Wong. Try not to slip. We don't have liability insurance." He tells the boy. The man was holding a couple of suitcases and wearing a warm winter coat. "Is this all for a holiday party?" Peter asks as he follows close behind. The portal closes beside him. "No. One of the rotunda gateways connects to Siberia. Blizzard blasted through." Wong explains. Doctor Strange appears in sight, floating down the stairs with the help of his cloak. He was dressed warmly as well, holding a mug, and almost slipping on the icy floor. "Because someone forgot to cast a maintenance spell to keep the seals tight." Strange chuckles. He smiles briefly at Peter.

Wong places his hands on his hips. "That's right, he did, because he forgot I now have higher duties." He answered. Strange frowns at him. "Higher duties?" Strange questions. "The Sorcerer Supreme has high duties, yes," Wong replied. He appeared very done with Strange. Peter pointed his finger at Stephen. "Wait, I thought you were the Sorcerer Supreme." He frowns. "No. He got it on a technicality, 'cause I blipped for five years." Strange answered the boy. Peter looks back at Wong. "Oh, well, congratulations." He smiles. "If I'd been here, then I'd -" Stephen started. "Burned the place down. You two, no one said, 'stop shoveling!" Wong ordered the two random people. Strange makes his way over to the fireplace. Peter follows close behind. "So, Peter, do what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks. "Right, uh, I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but -" Peter said. "Please. We saved half the universe together. I think we're way past you calling me sir." Strange cuts him off. He used his magic to light up the fireplace and turned back to Peter with a smile. "Alright. Stephen." Peter corrected himself. It felt very unnatural. "That feels weird but I'll allow it," Stephen responded.

"Uh... When Mysterio revealed my identity... my entire life has been screwed up. And I was wondering... I don't know if this would actually work, but I was wondering if maybe you could go back in time and make it so he never did?" Peter asks him. Strange gave him a kind glance. "Peter, we tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives. You wanna do it again now just because yours got messy?" He questions. It might've sounded a lot harsher than he meant it. But he needed Peter to understand the situation here. "This isn't just about me. This is hurting a lot of people. My aunt May, Happy, my best friends, my girlfriend... I might've ruined Y/n's whole life. All of their futures are ruined just because they know me, and... they've done nothing wrong." Peter tells him. His heart hurt when he had to mention Y/n. He felt like he ruined everything. His brain was telling him that she would get out of this just fine. But his heart was crushed just by thinking of what he was putting her through. Not to mention that he ruined both Ned and MJ's shot at MIT. "I am so sorry, but even if I wanted to, I don't have the Time Stone anymore." Doctor Strange sighed. Peter was silent for a few seconds. "That's right. I'm sorry I wasted your time. J-just forget about it." He rambled. "Oh, he will, he's good at forgetting things." Wong cut in.

A glimpse of hope appeared in Stephen's eyes. "Wong, you've actually generated a good idea." He said. Wong frowns at him. Strange looks at Peter again. "The Runes of Kof-Kol." He spoke dramatically. "The Runed of Kof-Kol?" Peter repeated. "Oh, it's just a standard spell of forgetting. We won't turn back time, but people will forget you were ever Spider-Man." Stephen explained to the boy. "Seriously?" Peter exclaimed excitedly. "No, not seriously. That spell travels between dark borders between known and unknown reality. It's too dangerous." Wong cut in. There was that tone Strange used to have. "We've used it before for a lot less." Doctor Strange admitted, "Do you remember the full moon party at Kamer-Taj?" He asks. "No," Wong answers. "Exactly." Stephen says, "Come on, Wong. Hasn't he been through enough?" He questions. Wong's stern expression remained. A portal appears behind him. "Just leave me out of this." He tells them both. He steps through the portal before it closed. Peter looks at the doctor. He orders the boy to follow him into some kind of basement of the Sanctum. It was dark and had a very unpleasant feeling.

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