•Chapter 75• Happy Anniversary

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A/n: Warning! This chapter contains smut/nsfw content. Please, if you are uncomfortable with that, skip. I will put (∆) this symbol at the start and the end for people who wish to skip. I did have to skip a lot and it might not be as well written as I wanted it to be but I was running out of time to publish this on time and this chapter is FAR over seven thousand words long. So, I apologize for a possible messy chapter. It's a long one folks. I have also not written smutty stuff in a while so please be kind I tried my best (the rest is so much fluff. There are parts so sweet your teeth will fall out.) Read at your own risk. Minors please do not interact <3

"Did you get it to work yet?" Y/n stood behind the young man and looked over his shoulder at the monitor. "Just a little longer, Y/n/n. Almost done here." His tongue stuck out a little bit as he focused on the wires that were attached to the glasses. Edith wasn't a regular AI. Tony designed her so that no one is able to steal her by just connecting or ordering her to transfer her copied data or anything like that. Even Beck knew that. You needed a particular set of wires. Attached correctly, everything could be transferred without a problem or any hiccups. Y/n placed her hands on Harley's shoulders. "You've got this." She told him. Harley enjoyed how close she was right now. He needed to focus, though. Y/n could not lie to herself – or Harley – she was feeling a bit nervous. "So, when this works, who are we recruiting, Boss? The Lizard was pretty cool if you ask me." Harley said to her. "Harley," Y/n's voice was stern. She needed him to focus. "What? I'm just saying."
"When I have power over the universe, I control it. Get me there first, please. Then we'll discuss your dream multiverse team. You always do this, you know. First with football and now this." Y/n leaned on the back of his chair. "

"How are you even gonna get them into other universes?" Y/n shrugged and placed her hands on the back of the chair instead of his shoulders. "I have a friend who can open portals." She noticed Harley's shoulders loosen up. When she glanced down she noticed the frown that was planted on his face. "A friend who can open portals? And you're letting me drag things around?" He questioned, "That's so unfair." Harley sounded a bit hurt by it. He turned his head to look up at her from over his shoulder. "First of all, it's my friend. He's probably happy to help us. Second of all, you really don't have that much to do and you can spread it over an entire day since I allow you to sleep here. I granted you access to the building. And third of all, Strange has no idea he nicked it back from him. Or well... I did and gave it back." Harley frowned again as he started to piece everything together to figure out who he was talking about. "Are you talking about Ned?"
"Yeah. That took you a while to figure out, didn't it? Using those brain cells I see." Y/n joked. She ruffled his hair gently. "You want to involve Ned? Really? Isn't he besties with Parker? He'll tell on you." Harley pointed out to her. Y/n did not like the way he said Peter's last name. He made it sound so dirty. But this wasn't about Peter. "No, he won't because I won't tell him what it's for. He gets to use the ring again and we get easier access to certain places. It's not that difficult. A win-win." Y/n told him. "Would that even work?" Harley frowned again. He stuck out his tongue again as he attached another wire to the Edith glasses. "To other universes? Only one way to find out, right? I'm sure it's possible. Parker managed to get out of the mirror dimension or something like that – whatever Strange called it – and made it back safely." Peter did not know how to explain the mirror dimension to anyone when he first returned. It was a weird thing. That's all Peter had to say about it. Harley glanced over his shoulder again. "So he won't tell your boyfriend about any of this? Are you absolutely sure?" He asked sounding very uncertain. "Yes, I am. Ned won't tell on me. I'll make something up. Tell him it has something to do with work. And that's not even a lie."
"Whatever it's your friend. Don't come crying to me when he gets mad at you." Harley said before turning back to his work. "You clearly don't know Ned. Ned doesn't get angry. Especially with me. All I have to do is offer this guy a chair that reads 'Guy in the chair at work' and I am forgiven for my entire life." Harley rolled his eyes. "He's that easy?"
"He's Ned. A very simple man."

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