•Chapter 63• Stealing some Kisses

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Night after night they had calls like that. It's the only thing they had. Tony wanted his daughter to rest for at least a week before she could see Peter again or go out with their friends. Y/n misses Peter and their friends. She wants to be there with her. The isolated feeling is coming back to her, that pressure. A few years ago, Y/n didn't mind as much as she does right now. It's like Rapunzel leaving her tower. Rapunzel never wanted to go back. Why would Y/n want to go back to her tower? She wouldn't mind the Avenger's tower, which is still her home. So, here she sits, in her bedroom all by herself. Her laptop lies in her lap. She'd gotten an important E-mail from one of her associates at Stark Industries about her security systems and the upcoming upgrade for them. "A new feature... Signals upgraded." She mumbles to herself as she types in a response. A faint knock sounded on her window. Y/n turns to see Peter in his Spider-Man suit by her window. He waves at her. Y/n smiles and nudges her head to sign that Peter could open the window himself. He crawls in as quietly as he can. He wasn't supposed to be here. "Hey," Y/n greets him, "Thought you were on patrol. I was going to call you later." Peter pulls the mask off his face and tosses it on the carpet by her bed. "I was. There were like five guys who'd just robbed a bank. Police are handling it. I just webbed them." He shrugged and walked over to her. 

Y/n looks up at him as he approaches her. Peter carefully sets her laptop on the carpet on the floor. "I wanted to see you." He tells her. Y/n blushes a little as Peter gets closer. "Pete-" "You're a little minx sometimes, you know that?" Peter cuts her off and cups her cheek in his much larger hand. Peter then leans in and kisses her causing her cheeks and ears to flush bright red. "I don't know what you're talking about." Y/n was between kisses. "Me a minx?" Peter pulls his lips away from hers but stays close to her so the tips of their noses still touch. Peter could smell her from a mile away but now that he was sitting in front of her his mind was going wild. Her signature body lotion with her perfume with a sweet vanilla scent. Her skin was burning up but so was his. Peter suddenly feels the urge to touch and hold her. "Yes, you're a little minx, Miss Stark. You and your phone calls." He mumbles to her. Y/n smiles a little sheepishly. "You don't like it when I tease you, Mister Parker?" Y/n asks him. Peter lets out a breath and looks her in the eyes. His hand brushes over her thigh causing Y/n's breath to hitch. "You're the only thing that's been on my mind, you know." Peter breathed. "That's not a bad thing, is it?" Peter shakes his head a little. "Not if you didn't have that attached to you." Y/n didn't need to look down to know what he was talking about. "I can take it off." She says. "Not happening," Peter replied in a stern tone. "When did you become so dominant? I thought I was the one in charge here." Peter shrugs slightly. "You don't seem to mind when I take charge." Y/ didn't mind at all. "Can I please kiss you again?" He asked. Y/n smiles at him and runs her hand through his fluffy hair. 

Peter leans back in and locks their lips together. His gloved hand was still resting on her cheek and he could feel her heated face. "Mhm, what were you up to?" Peter asks between kisses. "Work," Y/n answered after she pulled away for air. "They need you back already at Stark Industries, hm?" He asks. Y/n nodded as she placed both of her hands over Peter's cheeks to hold his face. "One more day without me and the whole company fell apart," Y/n tells him. She sits up a little and presses her lips against his again. Peter's arm wraps around his girlfriend and supports her body. "Tony said you should rest." Peter reminds her. "It's my company. And I'm a big girl. I can do whatever I want." Y/n replies. Her fingers tug at the strands of hair at the back of his neck. "Like making out with your boyfriend?" Peter questioned. Y/n nods again and brushes her thumbs over the soft spots just below his ear. Peter lets out a very quiet whine. "What is it, Pete?" Y/n asks him. Peter shakes his head with a smile and goes back to kissing Y/n. But she places her hands against his chest and pushes him back slightly. "What's up?" Y/n repeated. "It's nothing." Peter lets out a sigh after that, "It's the suit. It's tight." He mumbles to his girlfriend. Peter wants to feel his girlfriend's touch against his skin. That desire he couldn't get rid of for some reason. Suddenly, he was avoiding her eyes. Peter feels a bit embarrassed for his desires that suddenly washed over him. "I wanna feel you." He whispers. Y/n lifts the boy's chin slightly to make him look at her again. "Please," Peter added. Y/n grins widely and nods her head in approval. 

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