•Chapter 42• Close Mornings

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Gentle knocks sounded on her bedroom door. "Honey?" Pepper calls out to her daughter. Y/n shifts around a little under her duvet. "Y/n, I'm not sure if you're awake or not. But I'm going out for some groceries. I will be back soon." Pepper said. Y/n groans a little as she shifts around some more. She opens her eyes slightly, peeking through her lashes. She lifts her head off the pillow. When she tried to sit up completely, her body was held back by a strong grip around her waist. She smiles sleepily as she turns around and snuggles into Peter's chest. His arms wrap around her even tighter. "Morning," Y/n mumbled against Peter's skin. She pressed soft kisses against his exposed skin. Peter inhaled deeply. "Morning," he says in his morning voice. It was a lot lower than his normal speaking voice. "You still know who I am, right?" Peter muttered. She laughs a little "No. Who are you again, handsome stranger? How did you get in? Better watch out, I'll send Spider-Man after you." She giggles. Peter smiled as he pulled her closer. "Not funny." He tells her. She buries her head into the crook of his neck. The warmth of his chest was so cozy. She wanted to stay here forever and ever. "Did you sleep well?" She asks. He nodded his head against her. "Me too," she says. "I had a dream about you. We were swinging through the city." Peter tells her. Y/n glanced up at him with her angelic smile. "Sounds lovely." She replied. She really missed mornings like this. They were so intimate.

Peter intertwined their fingers while leaning down to kiss her lips. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." She said between kisses. Parker flips them around with a slight smirk. "Don't care." He said hoarsely. Y/n giggled as the boy kissed her exposed neck and parts of her shoulders. "I want this forever." He mumbled against her skin. The slight tingles of his lips made her smile. "I love you," he muttered again. He repeated those words over and over again since last night. Even when he was fast asleep, he'd mumble those words. It was as if he was in a loop of some sort. "I love you too, Parker." She replied. She placed her hands on his cheeks, cupping his face in her palms. "Wanna make some breakfast in the kitchen?" She asks him. Peter nodded again. She slips out from under him and gets out of her bed. Peter groans a little and follows her. Y/n makes her way into the kitchen. "Want something to drink first? Coffee?" She asks the boy. He looks at her innocently. She chuckles. "One orange juice coming right up." She added. The young Stark opened the fridge and poured him a glass of orange juice. She set it down in front of him and turned on her coffee machine. "Imagine if my dad was here, and he didn't remember you, and he walked in." She laughed to herself. Peter smiled as he looked up at her. She put her hands in her hair and tied it into a messy bun. "I would give anything to see that face." She added. "Yeah, he wouldn't like it. Even if he did remember me." Peter chuckled along with her. He missed Tony every day, for sure, but not as much as he did when Tony died. He somewhat made his peace with it.

Y/n put two pieces of bread in her toaster. She turned around to look back at Peter again. "So, are you going to give Stark Cabin a five-star rating?" She jokes. "Oh, for sure. I especially enjoyed the lovely woman that was in the room." He played along. "Oh, yeah, she's great, isn't she?" Y/n chuckled. "She's wonderful. Wouldn't trade her for anything in the universe." He started, "Or in another universe." He added. Y/n leaned over the kitchen island. "Do you ever think about them?" She questions, referring to his brothers from the other universes. Peter scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, all the time." He answered, "I really miss them." He continued. Just like Peter 3 said, he always wanted brothers. "Well, they're thinking about you too. They are... well, you." She tells him. He smiles as he thinks about the other Peter Parkers. "So, this is it? Feels kind of normal. It's weird..." Peter said. "I know," Y/n started. She turned around to grab the toast from the toaster. She made her way over to the fridge and grabbed the butter. She smeared it over the crunchy bread. "So, what's this mysterious project you've been working on that you're trying to keep from me?" Peter asks her. Y/n gives him a look. "I know you better than that. This is something bigger than a small garage project. What have you been up to?" He chuckles. Y/n thought about it for a minute. She wasn't sure how he'd react. She bends over the kitchen island again, looking straight at him.

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