•Chapter 31• Identity Revealed

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Everything seemed so perfect. Nothing could ruin it. Y/n and Peter had made up and Mysterio was gone. But he left something horrible behind after his death. Something that would haunt them forever. Mostly Peter. "Spider-Man's name... is Peter Parker!" Mysterio exclaimed. "That's right, folks. Peter Parker, a seventeen-year-old high school delinquent, harboring a homicidal hunger, in fact, the vigilante villain Spider-Man." J. Jonah Jameson spoke up on the huge billboard. Around them, the bystanders started to look up at Peter. They were looking at him in a totally different way now. Y/n looks up at her boyfriend. They all started shouting at him. And her. One of the bystanders even grabbed her arm. Peter jumped down and gently pushed the man's hand off his girlfriend's arm. "Please, don't touch her." He pleaded. "You're just a kid!" Someone in the back yelled at him. "You murdered Mysterio? Did you help him?" People started shouting the same questions at them. The crowd started to close both of them in. "I knew we couldn't trust a Stark!" A woman screamed at Y/n. She reached out to grasp the poor girl's hair when Peter pulled her away. It was a bad idea to bring her here. He blamed himself for this. He put his girlfriend in danger. Another hand reached out to them, only this time, they went for Peter's mask. His instincts took over and he slapped the hand away. "He hit me! Spider-Man hit me!" The woman cried dramatically. Peter grabbed Y/n by her waist and webs off. A man tries to jump after them, only to fail miserably at it. Some of the people in the crowd filmed it. Some even blamed it on Peter, getting angry at him for it. "All this time people looked up to this boy and called him a hero. I'll tell you what I call him. Public enemy number one." Jameson's voice echoed through the streets.

Peter dropped them both on top of the Queensborough Bridge. Y/n balanced herself as she looked down. People all over the streets were gathering around, pointing up at them. Peter's phone buzzed. He immediately answered it. "Dude!" He said. "Dude!" Ned repeated on the other side of the line. They went back and forth like that a few times before Y/n cut in. "Dude!" She called out. He ends his phone call with Ned and hurries over to his girlfriend. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" he asks. She shakes her head. A news helicopter appeared in front of them. And one behind them. Surrounding them almost. Cameras were being pointed at them from balconies and windows. "We should go. Come on." She tells him. He nodded and grabbed onto her. "You've got your suit right?" He questioned. She looks at him. "Why would I need the suit?" She asks. "Just in case something goes wrong." He answers. Before she could say anything else. He jumped down. Y/n clung to him for dear life. They even went underground trying to escape...well basically the world. They almost got hit by a train. Y/n hides her face in the crook of his neck. "Are you okay?" he asks her. "Yeah, yeah," She assured him. After swinging through a dark tunnel, they were forced to go back to the streets. Within seconds they were back in the air again as Peter swung them to safety. At least he tried. His face was all over the billboards. You couldn't look anywhere without seeing Peter's face. The way he held her was enough for her. She didn't need to see his face to know that he was freaking out. 

They eventually reached his and May's apartment. She pushed open the window of his bedroom and crawled inside. Peter followed quickly after. He shut the widow quickly and the curtain. "Peter," Y/n said. "Oh, god." Peter rambled. He repeated it over and over again, completely ignoring his girlfriend calling out to him. He pulled his mask off his face and puts his hands in his messy hair. He started pacing around the room. She stopped him by placing both hands on his face. She accidentally hit the Spider on his suit, causing it to pool at his ankles. That's when the door opened. Their heads snapped toward the door. Happy and May stood in the opening. May just smiled at them. But Happy looked sad...and now also disgusted. He quickly covered his eyes and turned away from the scene. "I didn't see anything." He says. May stepped inside the room and grabbed the doorknob. "Sorry!" She apologized and tried to shut the door. She pushed it open again and looked at Y/n. "Do you two have a condom?" She asks the girl. "May, please, no." Peter pleaded. Heat rose to Y/n's cheeks. May was very normal. She wasn't weird or awkward about anything. Pepper always held back when it came to stuff like this. Tony also wasn't the best to give her love or intimacy advice. So Y/n was not used to it at all. Peter looked at Happy. "Have you been crying?" He asks. Happy awkwardly came back into view. "We broke up," he tells the boy. Peter looks back at his aunt. She was telling Y/n everything she needed to know. And Y/n's cheeks just became redder and redder. He pulled his aunt away from her as Y/n hands him a T-shirt. He pulls it over his head and drags his aunt into the living room. "I didn't know you guys broke up. I thought you were in love, May." He said, "I thought you guys were such a handsome couple." He added. "You know, it's about boundaries." She said.

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