•Chapter 60• Until You Lose Control

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Peter smiles brightly as he feels soft arms wrap around his torso from behind. Y/n brushes her nose against his back as she embraces him. She wasn't going to mention the whole Yelena thing to him. "Something you want, baby?" Y/n shrugged behind him. Surely, she's up to something, though, Peter doesn't notice. Y/n feels like a ten-year-old again, trying to sneak up to your room, doing your best to not seem suspicious to anyone. She used to do it sometimes after stealing one of her father's toys or cookies from the jar her mother specifically told her she wasn't supposed to eat before bed. It is all about not getting caught. And Peter did not have a single clue. As far as Spider-Man knows, she just wants to be close to him, hold him, and feel his warmth. "Just wanna hold you." She mutters.
"Let me do the dishes with May, then I'll give you all the attention you want, sweetheart." Y/n turns her head to look at Peter's aunt. May smiles at the girl and uses her dry hand to comb through her hair. "I'm pretty sure she's tired, Peter." Natasha had already left to take a shower. Peter is almost certain that Y/n could go for a nice bath or shower as well. Peter turns around, with his wet hands in the air, careful to not get his girlfriend wet with dirty dishwater. "Why don't you run the bath? I'll come check on you in a minute?" He suggests. Y/n pressed a kiss against his cheek as she stood on her tippy toes. May gives him a cheeky 'way to be subtle' look. Peter quickly dismisses his aunt's assumptions. "I wasn't going to join her." He said, feeling the need to defend himself and Y/n too. May raises her hands in defense and tries her best not to smile at her nephew. Peter could feel his ears turning red along with his cheeks. "I'll just be in the bath. Take your time."

Y/n makes her way up to her bedroom already starting to feel a little guilty about lying to Peter. Although, is it really lying if you don't tell? For some reason, Y/n is not too worried about what will happen to her, or her body, if this works. "Just going to draw a nice, hot bath," Y/n mutters to herself. Baths are supposed to relax the mind and body. Maybe, just maybe, she can create a connection. Maybe – "Hey," Y/n snaps her head toward the sound that startles her from her thoughts. "Harley." A sweet grin appears on his lips as Harley looks at his friend. "You're okay." Y/n didn't mean to sound as shocked as she did. Harley just laughed it away. "I heard you weren't." He says as he eyes her up and down, "Seems like you're doing okay." Y/n tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, I uh – I shouldn't have pressed the button. Should've listened to you." Y/n is more than happy to see Harley back on his feet, though, she cannot seem to get rid of her guilt toward Harley. He and Peter could have died. Harley didn't have superpowers or whatever. He's just Harley. "Well, that is something I never thought I would hear from you. Could you maybe say that one more time, Y/n/n." Harley said teasingly. Y/n rolled her eyes at him. "No way." She tells him. "Worth a shot, right?" He chuckles. Back on his feet and full of jokes. Hilarious. Y/n turns to walk to her room when Harley follows her. "Are you heading downstairs?" He asks. "No, no... I'm just going to take a bath. There's still some dinner left for you if you want, but you can order something too. I don't mind." Y/n opens the door to her bedroom and Harley follows her inside.

"You wanna tell me what's going on? Or –" Harley paused as he looked up at her. Y/n looks at her friend sitting on her bed looking genuinely concerned. "How much do you know?"
"The whole 'she is dying' thing I know. Kind of bummed me out." Y/n rolls her eyes and laughs as she sits down next to him. "When the machine exploded, a part of that energy hit me, and now it's messing with the neurons that basically tell my heart to keep beating," Y/n explains to him. "Any other body parts falling out?" Harley immediately followed up. Y/n shakes her head. "Not yet. My dad and Bruce are being overprotective because it might happen. It might not. Bruce is checking on me every four hours." Harley furrows his eyebrows together. "That seems a little overkill."
"That's what I said. I guess I can't blame them, though. I mean, Peter said it himself, my heart rate is slow. But I think I should be able to wipe my own ass." She chuckles. "You're not scared? At all? They said you were going to die." Harley points out to her. "Of course I am, but that shouldn't mean that I have to be lying in bed all day, doing nothing, like a patient. I went to get some coffee with my friends the other day and I loved it. Besides, Peter always takes care of me. Dad isn't very approving of it, though, he wants me to stay here and for Peter to stay away from me." Y/n explains to him. "What does he think is going to happen? Ohh, no okay, wait, I get it." Everything clicked in Harley's mind, and he couldn't blame Tony, if anything he wanted to thank him. Maybe that is just his jealousy acting up. What is wrong with me the past few days?

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