•Chapter 45• Promise Me

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"I really think this is an upgrade from the old facility," Harley tells her. "Like you've ever been inside the old one. Or the one before that." She replies. Harley chuckles at her. "Fair enough." He started, "But you have better taste than your dad did." He continued. "That's very true. Don't think my dad color-coordinated his or my suits. He wasn't very good at that." She replied. "I thought he paid for everything, designed everything, and made everyone look cooler," Peter said with a small smirk. "No, he just paid. What, did you think Nat suits would've changed if my dad was in charge of design?" She questions. "Kid, I need your help." The red-haired woman spoke up as she walked in. Y/n looks up and lifts her magnifying glasses. "Do you take requests?" Natasha questions. She pulls up a chair and sits beside the girl. "For what?" She replied. The Black Widow crossed her arms over her chest. "I need something more comfortable to fight in." Nat started, "And something less revealing." She added. Y/n smiles at her. Nat smirks a little at her young friend. "What are you smiling about?" She asks. "Well, I've been working on something for the Black Widow suit. It should be more comfortable and hold more weapons that won't bother you during battle." Y/n answers and hands her a drawing she made of Nat in this new suit. Nat leaned back in her chair as she looked at the design. "Your dad's idea?" She asks. "Yes. But I made another version which covers... well, basically everything my dad wants you to show. Well, want is a strong word." Y/n tells her best friend and hands her another piece of paper. Nat smiled at the design. "This is great." She said. Y/n smiled proudly. "Why didn't you go into fashion again?" Nat questions, causing them both to chuckle. Peter thought about it. "Probably not." He answered. Y/n smiles at the two boys.

She walks over to the upper cabinet and opens it to pull out three plates. Peter turns to stand behind her and grabs the plates for her. She felt her breath hitch a little as he placed his hand on her waist while he towered over her from behind. "I could reach them." She tells him. "I know. I just don't want you to drop them." He replied with a sweet smile. He sets the plates on the kitchen island where Harley is sitting. "So, uh, what is it that you do here, now? I mean, with the Avengers gone and everything." Harley spoke up. "Well, I'm not sure I should tell you. Maybe you're just here to spy on us. Sell information or something like that." She replied. Harley gave her a look that caused both of them to laugh. "We're just working on some projects. I've been trying to reach out to a few people." She tells him. "Avenger people?" Harley asked. Y/n briefly glanced over her shoulder at Peter. "Maybe," She started, "That's none of your business, actually." She added. Harley chuckled at her. "Alright, alright, I won't ask. You go ahead and keep your secrets." He replied. Y/n scooped the pasta onto their plates. She wanted something quick and easy so they wouldn't be cooking for two hours. Peter sat down beside the boy, keeping one empty seat between them. "It smells great," He complimented his girlfriend. Y/n blushed slightly. "Thank you." She said. Anything Peter said at the moment caused her cheeks to heat up. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened during their training session. Harley noticed it too. His eyes moved between the two as Y/n filled three glasses of water.

"Enjoy!" She tells the boys as she sits down between them. She watches the boy start their dinner before starting herself. "This is really good," Harley said with his mouth full. Peter hummed in agreement with his mouth also stuffed. Y/n smiles at them as she twists her fork in the pasta. It was her favorite recipe to make back in the day with Clint and Wanda. It's Laura's recipe with a hint of Sokovia mixed within it all. "I should've come earlier if I knew you'd be cooking this good. Last time you tried to make something, the stove was on fire." Harley reminds her. Peter looks at his girlfriend in shock. "I was young! I was hungry. I didn't know how the stove worked." She tells him. Peter could only smile at her sweetly. The three teens continued to chat during their dinner. "So, what have you been up to?" She asks her old friend. Harley puts down his fork and swallows his food quickly. "In and out of this special tech school. I actually wanted to ask you something regarding that. I need some recommendation letters for this internship." He said. "Of course." She smiles, "That is, of course, if you really want to go there. You can also have an internship here. Well, I mean, at Stark Industries. Peter is also my intern." She tells him as she points at her boyfriend. Harley's eyes lit up a little. "Well, that's... that's great. I'll think about it for sure." He replied. "It'll be great." She scrunched her nose at him. Suddenly, her phone started vibrating on the counter. "I'm sorry." She apologized and stood up with her phone in her hand.

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