•Chapter 7• Washington, D.C.

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The Decathlon team arrives in the check-in area. The interior of the hotel is filled with preparations for the Decathlon. The students and teacher look on in awe as they walk in. Liz is leading everyone through the lobby. "Everyone stick together," Liz called out. Peter took out his phone to check the time. "Y/n should be here soon. Hey, you brought your laptop, right?" Peter asked Ned. "Yeah, why?" Ned replied. The teacher started to hand out Keys to the rooms they had hired. "We're pairing up, guys," Liz informs everyone. Peter quickly takes their key from the teacher's hands. The two boys rush to their hotel room, put a ' Do not disturb ' sign on the doorknob, and locked the door. Ned got out his laptop from his bag and sat on his bed. Peter got out his suit and connected it to Ned's laptop. "So what are we doing?" Ned asked him. "We're removing the tracker from my suit," Peter replied. Peter got out a flashlight and stuck it between his teeth. There was a loud knock on the door. Peter and Ned looked at each other with fear in their eyes. Was this the moment they were going to get caught? "Uh...hello? Mr. Harrington?" Peter called out. "No, I'm a big scary birdman." A very fake low voice spoke behind the door. The boys sighed in relief. Peter took the flashlight out of his mouth and stood up. He walked towards the door. "And I'm here to take you," Peter opened the door, revealing Y/n, "And I shall feed you to my children!" Y/n said before bursting into laughter. Peter rolls his eyes at her. "Not funny." He complained. Y/n walks inside the room and drops her bag. She jumped on the bed next to Ned. "So, what are we doing?" She asked the boys. Peter walked back over to the suit. "Removing the tracker on the suit." He tells the girl. "I'm hacking the suit," Ned adds. Y/n frowned at Peter. "You're tempering with a billion-dollar suit? And you agreed?" She asked Ned. The boy holds up his hands. "I didn't." Ned looked at Peter, "She's right, this isn't a good idea." Ned tells his best friend. "Then why are you doing it?" Y/n asked him. Peter looked up at his friends. "Uh, because I gotta follow these guys to their boss before they move again and I don't really want Mr. Stark to know about it." He tells them. "So you're lying to Iron Man now?" Ned questioned. Peter turned back to his suit. "No, I'm not lying. He just doesn't really know what I can do yet." He responded. Ned looked at Y/n. The girl sighed and looked at Peter and what he was doing. "The tracker's over there." She informs him. Peter looks up at her. Y/n puts her hands over his and helps him slowly pull the tracker off the suit. Peter's cheeks burned up a little. She was incredibly close to him."Thanks." He said shyly. Ned focused on the screen of his laptop sitting on his lap. "There's a ton of other subsystems in here." He spoke up. Y/n and Peter both looked at him. "But they're all disabled by the Training Wheels Protocol." Ned continued. He had a smirk on his face. Y/n started to grin a little. Peter looked over at Ned's screen. "What? Training wheels protocol?" He complained. Y/n giggles and raises her hand. "I came up with the name." She giggled. Peter glared at her. Ned laughed as well and high-fived Y/n. "Nice!" He admitted. "I know right!" She replied.

Peter rolls his eyes and turns back to the screen. "Turn it off." He tells Ned. "I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, they're probably blocked for a reason." Ned replied. He looked at Y/n who furrowed her eyebrows. "Well don't look at me. I don't know why that's blocked. I just know that it's some update or something." She tells the boys. Peter looks back at Ned. "Please, come on, man. I don't need training wheels. I'm sick of him treating me like a kid all the time. It's not cool." Peter complained. He climbed on the other bed and jumped up and down. "But, you are a kid," Ned replied. "Yeah, a kid who can stop a bus with his bare hands," Peter argued. Y/n tilted her head slightly. "This is not a good idea, Peter." She tells him. Peter jumps off the bed and kneels in front of his two friends. "Look, please. This is my chance to prove myself. I can handle it. Come on." Peter looked at Ned, "The guy in the chair." He whispered. "Don't do that," Ned warns him. Peter puts on his puppy eyes. "Please?" He pleaded. Ned looked at Y/n. The girl looked at Peter before looking back at Ned. She gave him a slight nod. Ned sighs and types reluctantly. A blue flash of light briefly pulses through the suit. Peter and Ned look at it. Ned left to go to the toilet, and Peter pulled on the suit. Y/n stood up from the bed and stood next to Peter, facing him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked him, "All alone, I mean." She added. Peter nodded and zips up his sweatshirt. "I'll be fine. Are you going to be okay here with Ned?" He asked her. She nodded in response. "We're probably gonna watch some movies." She tells him. She looks at the bathroom door. "Ned, I brought Star Wars, is that okay?" She called. "That's great!" Ned called out from the bathroom. Y/n giggled and turns back to Peter. "You're gonna watch Star Wars?" Peter asked her. Y/n shrugged at him. "Yeah. I mean...we could watch it together sometime. If you want." She suggested. Peter blushed a little. "You...you wanna watch it with me? Like together? A-alone?" He stuttered. Y/n bit her bottom lip. "Only if you want." She tells him. The two teenagers giggled and tried to avoid eye contact as their cheeks flushed red. Peter scratched the back of his neck. "Hey, uh, I wanted to ask you something-" Peter started. Before he could continue, Ned returned from the bathroom. "Everything okay?" He asked them. Y/n and Peter nodded and looked at each other again. "Be safe? I have to make sure you don't die. That's why I'm here. And I don't want Happy to get too excited. Don't want him to get a stroke." She joked. "Yeah, for sure." He replied. Y/n looked at Ned. "Hey, you want some snacks? I brought them as well." She tells him. Ned looks at Peter. "She's awesome."

The next day, Tony's car parked in front of the new Avengers facility. Y/n stepped out of the car. Happy was already waiting for her. "Didn't know you would be staying the night at your friend's." He said. Y/n rolls her eyes at the man. "I was safe. Don't worry." She tells him. "Your father is Tony and your last name is Stark, I will always worry about you." Happy informs her. Y/n laughs at him. "Aw, you care about me. So, where's my new room?" She asked him. Happy smiles at her. "Come on." He tells her. The girls happily followed the man to her new quarters. Tony was waiting in front of a door. "Hey! There's my little girl!" He smiled at her. Y/n quickened her pace towards her father. She wrapped her arms around him. "Hey, Dad. How was India?" She asked. Tony pulled away from their hug and shrugged at her. "It was alright. Just glad to be home. Hey, Happy told me you stayed over at a friend's place last night. You're not sneaking off with the kid, right?" He asked her sternly. Y/n laughed at her father. "No, why would I do that?" She laughed. Tony puts his hands into his pockets. "I have no idea. Maybe you want to be with my intern." He shrugged. Y/n frowned at him. "Do you want to be with the intern?" She asked. Tony frowned back at her. "No, of course not. You're turning this conversation around." He replied. Y/n folded her arms over her chest and shrugged. "You taught me." She tells him. Tony looked at Happy who stood behind Y/n. The man shrugged in response. Tony looked back at his daughter. He puts his hand on the doorknob. "Ready to see your new room?" He asked the girl. Y/n nodded in response. Tony opened the door and stepped aside. Y/n walked through the doorway. This room was indeed a lot bigger than her old room. The walls were painted in her favorite colors. There were pictures of her and the Avengers spread all over the room. A huge bookcase stood in the corner next to the big window that brought light into the room. A big desk stood next to the bookcase. She walked over to the queen-sized bed. She sat down and looked back at her father. "Dad, this is amazing." She tells him. Tony walked in. "I know it is. I did most of the designing." Tony tells her. Y/n rolls her eyes at him and looks around the room some more. "Anything secret or special I should know about?" She asked. Tony walked over to the desk and grabbed a remote for her. "Just press the green button." He informs her. She pressed the green button and a TV was lowered from the ceiling. Y/n looked at her father. "That's amazing." She replied. Tony smiled at her and left the room. "You have fun." He tells her. Y/n turned on the TV and turned on the news. She grabs her phone and scrolls through the socials. Her attention was drawn back to the news when they were talking about Washington. And Spider-Man being there. "Oh my God." She whispered.

A couple of hours later, the group of students arrived back at their school. Their parents were waiting for them in the parking lot of the school. May called out for Peter as she searched for him. She sighed in relief when she saw her nephew. She hugged him tightly. Peter pulled away from the big and looked at his aunt. "Are you okay?" She asked him. He nodded in response. "I'm okay." He assures her. He caught a glimpse of a car pulling up in the parking lot. Y/n jumped out of the car. She searched for Peter. Her eyes fell on the boy. She ran towards him. Peter took a step away from his aunt and let Y/n jump into his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck. He inhaled sharply and exhaled loudly. He wraps his arms tightly around her waist and closes his eyes. He inhaled the sweet scent of her hair. It smelled so good. "I was so worried about you. You could've died." She tells him. "I'm okay." He assures her. Y/n pulled away from their hug but stayed close to him. They just looked at each other for a while. When she realized how close they were, she cleared her throat and took a step back. "Don't scare me like that ever again." She orders. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Peter apologizes. May stepped forward. Peter looked at his aunt and looked back at the beautiful girl in front of him. "Oh, right, May this is Y/n. From the internship. Y/n, this is my aunt." Peter introduces you both. You turned to the woman. "Hi! I'm sorry for barging in like this, but your nephew- he scared the hell out of me." Y/n apologizes. The woman smiled at her. "Don't worry, hon, he scared me too." She tells the girl. Y/n glanced over her shoulder. Happy stood outside of the car. Y/n looked back at Peter and his aunt. "My dad's waiting for me by the car. MJ needs- I have to...uh- I just had to make sure you were okay...you know." She tells Peter. He nodded in response. "Thanks." He smiled at her. She smiled back at him and turned to his aunt. "It was nice to meet you, Ms. Parker. I'll see you later, Pete." She said. Peter nodded again and watched as the girl walked off. May stood next to the boy and watched the girl run over to MJ. May looked at her nephew. "So, that's Y/n huh?" She questioned. Peter scratched the back of his neck and nodded. "And you're just friends?" She asked the boy with a smirk. Peter glared at his aunt. "She is." He assures her. "Really? Because you seemed to be enjoying that hug. And you two were just staring at each other." She smirked. "She's just a friend, May." Peter tells his aunt again, "Nothing more." He added.

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