•Chapter 59• Resting Minds

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"Dad -" Tony waves her comments away almost immediately. "Parker, you are no longer allowed in here. Not without my permission. You know that. I told you." He snaps at Peter. The spider-boy stands a little sheepishly in the corner of the room looking down at his feet. "And what exactly were you planning on doing with my daughter, huh? Kid, look at me. What were you doing?" Tony is so tensed up. Walking into Y/n's room to find her and her boyfriend kissing in her bed. "You were trying to get into her pants, weren't you?" Tony questions. The question seemed a little out of the blue coming from Tony. Both teens stared at the man with wide eyes. Did he actually say that? Y/n puts her head in her hands. "Even if he was, it is none of your business." She tries to get  Peter to come back to her. She is scared of what will happen to her. Peter is comforting and she wants him to be close.
But Tony doesn't let him. When Peter starts to move his feet, Tony extends his arm to stop the boy, while keeping his stern gaze on his daughter. "You need to rest. No more sleepovers." He says. Y/n lets out a laugh whilst Peter stays silent. "Are you gonna ban my boyfriend?" He wouldn't do that, right? "I will if I have to, young lady. You are going to rest. Kid, you're going home. Okay? Take your aunt and go home." Tony orders him. "May and Peter aren't going anywhere, yet, Dad," Y/n replies sternly. Her father's eyes widened a little at her talking back to him. "You -" Now, it was Y/n who held up her hand to stop his comment. "In case you forgot, this is my facility. I make the calls around here. Peter is my boyfriend and I want him to stay. I just felt a little tired. I can do whatever I want in here, because it's my room, heck it's my building." She reminds her father. "With my money. In case you forgot." 

Y/n keeps an angry and irritated look in her eyes while looking at Tony. "Peter, come here." She tells him. He tries but Tony stops him again. "Kid, go home." 
"He stays. Parker." The young Stark cut in sternly. "He's out. Now." This wasn't the first time something like this happened. If the Starks do not go back and forth at least once a day it is a rare occurrence. "Mister Stark, I don't want to go," Peter speaks up to him. Y/n shakes her head and sighs. Tony turns his head to look at Spider-Man. "Don't you have to save the city or something like that? I thought that was what you wanted." He said. "Yeah, but, Mister Stark, I -" The boy looks at his girlfriend. "I want her to be okay. You're putting her through all these tests and treating her like she's a patient. She's your daughter." Peter walks over to her after pushing Tony's arm away. At this moment, Peter could not care anymore. He has always been intimidated by Tony and still is, but right now that does not affect him as much. There isn't a little voice in the back of his mind telling him not to go against Tony's words. "You need to sleep, though. I won't go far." He places his hand on the back of her head and combs gently, and carefully, through her hair. "But-" Peter presses a kiss on her forehead as he leans down. "I'll talk to Strange about Ned and MJ. May wants to make something for dinner tonight. How about I wake you up when dinner's ready? Do you want that, baby?" He mutters the nickname as quietly as possible. Tony still hears the nickname, though, and rolls his eyes annoyedly. Peter could sense her skin heating up, burning almost, when he said that. In front of her dad. He smiles at her sweetly whilst looking at her. She sucks in a sharp breath once their eyes met. Her cheeks flushed bright red. Peter then leaves the room with Tony to let her be.

"Mister Stark, before you say anything -" Tony glares at him. "Did you just send me out of her room?" He questions. "You wanted her to get some sleep, right? You two would only keep arguing if you stayed with her. She wants space." Peter tells him calmly. "No, she needs space from you, kid. No offense, I know you only want what's best for her. But right now that's not what she needs." He was not entirely wrong about that. "I shouldn't have sneaked in behind your back. I know that was wrong. Mister Stark, I'm sorry." He lets out a sigh, "I don't want her to feel like she's alone. She's scared. Y/n says she's not too bothered by it, but I can see it, alright? I don't care. If she clings onto my leg while I go to the bathroom, or merely has me in the room while she sleeps, if that's what it takes to make her feel comfortable then I'll do it." He assures the man. "Space is good. For the both of you." Tony replies sternly. "But she doesn't want that. Neither of us wants that." The boy lowers his head slightly as he fiddles with his hands. "We don't know how long we've got left, Mister Stark. I won't crawl over the ceiling anymore to get in, I promise, but if she needs me I'm not going to deny her wishes because that's what you want." Tony seemed a little surprised by the boy's words. Actually, the words of a young man. His stern glare turned into a small, but friendly, smile. "You've really grown up, haven't you, kid?" Peter straightens his back slightly. "I love your daughter, sir. More than anything." Tony pats the boy's shoulder. "I know, kid, I know."

"You wanted to see me?" Strange questioned. He puts down the book he was reading as the Spider-boy walks into the room. It's kind of like a living room, though much bigger, almost like three living rooms in one space. "Sorry, sir, I didn't mean to interrupt your reading." Peter apologizes. Strange looks at him with a polite smile. "You didn't. And I thought we covered you calling me 'sir', kid. Call me Stephen." He smiles. "Sorry, Stephen, I uh wanted to talk to you about something. It's about my friends. Ned and MJ? They were with me when you erased everyone's memories including theirs." Peter informs him, "I was wondering if there is any way you can return their memories." Of course, Doctor Strange is hesitant. The last time Peter asked him to do something like this, he broke into the multiverse, May died, and everyone forgot who he was. "Sir, uh Stephen, please. They want to remember."
"They believed you?" Strange seemed a little stunned. Peter nodded proudly. There was still something in them. They want their memories back. It helped that Y/n is a Stark. That family isn't exactly known for having normal work weeks. Maybe that's why it was so easy for them to shrug it off and straight up believe Y/n for her word. Why would she lie about it, anyway? "I might be able to do something. But I'm not promising anything, kid. It'll take a few hours." Peter's face lights up nonetheless. "Thank you. Thank you, sir! Uh, I mean, Stephen. Thank you!"

Later that day, May prepared an easy pasta recipe for them. Y/n wasn't too hungry at first, but May encouraged her to eat something. Peter watches with glee as his girlfriend chats with his aunt about dinner and what else. With Y/n May finally had the girl in the family that she never had. Sure, Peter's mom, but never a niece or a daughter. Y/n sometimes felt like both."I'm more of a boy aunt, anyway." She'd always say. Peter knows better than that. Everything seemed wholesome. Anyone would almost forget that Y/n's heart rate was slowing down. When Natasha entered the kitchen, her eyes immediately widened at the smell. Y/n pressed Nat to join them, and eventually, she did. Peter stood up from his seat after they were all finished and gathered all the dirty plates and cutlery. "Uh, May! Can you help me with something?" He calls out awkwardly.  The woman laughs and excuses herself from the conversation with the other two women to help her nephew. "What were you going to say?" Y/n suddenly asked. Nat's ears perked up at her question. "What?" Y/n laughs a little at her friend. "You were gonna say something before Bruce came in to check on me earlier? What was it?" Oh, right, that. Natasha hesitates for a moment. 

"It's that bad, huh?" Y/n started to get a bit nervous when her best friend took a while to tell her. The red-haired woman shakes her head and reaches for Y/n's hand. "It's just not that easy. And I don't want you to get mad at me or him -" She says. "Him? Who 'him'? Peter?" Mad at Natasha and Peter? "Nat, that doesn't sound like something I'd get mad at. That sounds like something I would kill him for." The Black Widow's eyes widened at her comment. "No, no, not like that. Kid's not exactly my type." Nat states. "Then what happened?" Y/n asked again.
"Well, while you were asleep, Yelena wanted to come see you. When she went to your room, Peter was there, and he was very emotional." I do not like where this is going, Y/n thinks to herself. Who can blame her? That thing he had with MJ a year back made her think of the most horrible things. But Peter would not cheat on her. Yelena on the other hand-
"Peter was furious when saw her. Started blaming her for everything that happened to you, saying that it was her fault, even threatening her." Nat's voice cut her from her thoughts. That is so unlike Peter. Sweet, loving, little Peter Parker? "Yelena said that?" She says doubtingly. "Peter did. He told me how guilty he felt for snapping at Yelena the way he did. But she was already gone. He wanted me to tell you. Said you wouldn't believe it if it came from him." Natasha explains. "I hardly believe it now. That's why she left? Do you know where she went?" The Black Widow shakes her head. Y/n could easily tell she was sad about her sister's absence. 

"She'll be fine. Peter wanted you to know. And you shouldn't be mad at him." Natasha tells her best friend. "I'm not mad at him. He was just caught up in his emotions. He would never hurt her. You know Peter a little. He wouldn't do that." Y/n replies, "We'll find Yelena, Nat. She can't be too far. I'm sure she doesn't want to stay away from you too long either." She added. Y/n squeezed her best friend's hand gently. Peter and May returned not too long after that. While they started talking again, Y/n could not seem to keep her focus on that conversation. There has to be something she can do, right? Anything. Nat can't lose her sister again.

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