•Chapter 76• Relax

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A/n: Warning! This chapter contains smut/nsfw content. Please, if you are uncomfortable with that, skip. I will put (∆) this symbol at the start and the end for people who wish to skip. Some of the smut will be in italics (flashbacks) so you could skip those easily, since all around are the moments after the scenes of the last chapter. I have also not written smutty stuff in a while so please be kind I tried my best. Read at your own risk. It's a long one again. Minors please do not interact <3

Peter did not feel tired. He admired her as she drifted off peacefully beside him. His girlfriend. So beautiful and so peaceful. How she calmed his heart and made it beat faster at the same time. She was facing him with her arms bent against her chest and her hand touching her lips. Her lips that were still a bit swollen from all the kissing and her biting down on the skin. He fell in love with her all over again tonight. He wanted to repeat it to her all day long how much he loved her. With an arm still wrapped around her waist, he pulled her even closer to him. He needed to feel her closer. "Love you, baby." He whispered to her again. She babbled something but she was too exhausted to form any clear words. Peter smiled at her and kissed the tip of her nose.  (∆) "It's just the tip, baby. Just the tip." He cooed at her. Y/n exhaled loudly and nodded her head. Peter lined himself up between her legs and pushed in very slowly. "You've got to relax for me. Relax. There we go..." He whispered his sweet praises to her. "Feels weird," Y/n whispered. She could not raise her volume in any other way. "Good weird?" Peter felt a little worried. Y/n nodded and let out a whimper. "Very good." (∆) Peter smiled at what happened moments before. It already seemed like hours. His hand moved over her curves underneath the covers. Her skin was so warm and soft. He loved every curve, bump, whatever he happened to cross. He loved it all. He loved her. "Baby, roll on your other side." Y/n groaned a little and tried to get even closer to Peter. He kissed her forehead and grasped her hips to help her flip onto her other side. Her body immediately relaxed when she lay on her other side. Her good side. "There you go." Peter smiled at her from behind. Even if it healed, her body on that side still hurt. "Far..." Y/n mumbled very, very, quietly. "I am right here, baby. Right here." He whispers to her. He gave her waist a tight squeeze and lay against the pillow behind her. "Sleep." She babbled something again only for her to stop halfway anyway and fell asleep. Never ever could this end. 

What was that sound? He swore he'd heard something in the distance. He could not leave now. He could not and he did not want to. She was so perfect beside him. How could he leave? Peter tried to ignore it – the voices and the moving sounds of heavy items – only to be roughly awakened again by his own superpowers. Something was off. He sensed it. "Baby, did you hear something?" Y/n didn't make a sound. "Guess not." Peter lifted himself up and pushed the duvet aside. He kissed Y/n's cheek and pulled on his sweatpants before he left the room as quietly as possible. Y/n shifted a bit in her bed and gripped the sheets tighter now that she sensed she was alone. Peter's warm body caused her to shiver a bit. 
Peter's senses guided him through the hallways, further and further away from Y/n. He already missed her. Was that weird? Before Peter could answer his own question, his thoughts were interrupted by the voices in the lab. Peter hid behind the wall so they couldn't see him. The door was shut and the glass was thick. His senses must be really high after what happened earlier. He could feel his cheeks heat up again at the thought of it. "Everything seems to be working." Harley took one last glance at the monitor. "Could you place the third one in the back a bit to the right?" His partner moved the drone and Harley grinned brightly. "Perfect." He stood up from his seat, "The boss will be very happy about this. Might even get a reward." He smirked proudly. A reward? Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he listened in on their conversation. Harley looked at his partner. "A reward from the boss? Sounds good."
"Yeah just don't get your hopes up. I did. Left me very disappointed actually." Harley admitted as he pointed a finger at him and waved his hand around for dramatic effect. "Really? You'd think the assistant-"
"Ah, ah," Harley cut him off, "Not the boss's assistant." He contacted his partner. "You are. The boss is letting you do all the dirty work. Which makes you an assistant." Assistant? Harley? There is something wrong going on in there. "Whatever you say. I don't care." The two chuckled and continued to chat. Peter started to move again. He had to tell Y/n. Harley was lying to her!

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