•Chapter 54• Overwhelmed By All

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"Y/n, will you listen?" Tony barked at her. "No! Morgan is a sweetheart, sure. And she's my sister. But I can't help but think that she's- she is my replacement." Y/n, stubborn as she was, wouldn't listen to anything her father said, it didn't matter to her. She loved Morgan dearly, she'd always be there for her, but that wouldn't stop her from holding this against her parents. "I had to figure some things out, Y/n." Her father defended himself. "Figure out what? How quickly you could put it in?" Tony's eyes widened at her words. "You figured the time traveling out in a day. A night. And you're telling me that in all those five years you never thought of it? That you never ran any tests with Friday before Steve knocked on your door?" The door opened behind her father. "Is everything okay here?" Nat's head came into view. "We're fine. She's just having a moment." Tony answers. Nat hummed and shut the door again from the other side. Y/n glared at her father. "A moment?" She huffed annoyedly, "That's all this is?" Tony leans on the end of the hospital bed. "I get that you're angry at me and your mom. I'm sure she heard this plenty of times in the first months. But we gave you what you always wanted. We gave you a sister. We even named her Morgan because that's what you would've wanted." Tony explains to her more calmly this time. "But I wasn't even there. I wanted a sister when I was four years old. I love her, with all I have, but how is that giving me what I want? You're making it sound as if this was my idea and I'm some spoiled brat who's acting out." Y/n replied.

Y/n started to crawl out of her bed and ripping all the tubes and wires from and off her body. However, she felt a painful sting in her chest as she moved. "Y/n, Y/n, don't do that. Y/n!" She didn't listen to her father. She didn't want to get into a fight with him so her best option was to leave now before she started saying things she'll regret later. Her father, on the other hand, wants her to stay put. "Y/n, you can't walk." The young Stark snaps her head up at Tony. "Watch me." She said before pushing herself off the bed. Tony immediately hurried to her side to support her. "Let go, I can do it." She tried to keep up the tough act, but it hurt to stand on her feet. and she could feel the stitches in her side pulling on her skin. "Y/n, please, just lay down." He briefly glanced down to see a small red dot already forming on her white hospital gown. "See that? You've pulled one of them out. You're bleeding." Y/n glared at him. "I'm fine!" She barked at her father. It was at this moment that Peter came back into the room. "Mister Stark, I- Y/n, what are you doing out of bed?" Without thinking, Peter scooped her up in his arms and placed her back on the bed. "I'm fine, Parker." Tony came to the other side. "No, you're not. I'm getting Bruce to stitch you back up." His gaze met Peter's, "Kid, can you keep her here?" Peter quickly nodded his head in response before Tony left.

Peter looked down at her gown which had a small blood stain on it. "Can I lift it up?" He asks her in the sweetest and softest tone he could manage. She huffed in annoyance which wasn't fair. Peter didn't do anything wrong and he asked if he had her consent to lift up the gown. "Sorry. Go ahead." She sounded a bit more like herself. Peter's hands carefully pulled up the hem of her gown to look at her wound. "You pulled two stitches." He mutters. She let out another sigh. "I heard you and your dad." He admitted. "I wanted to leave before I said something stupid." She explains to him. Peter looks up at her with those big brown eyes of his. "I just felt so angry all of a sudden. About Morgan and... you know how I was with my mom." Peter carefully sat beside her on the bed, very close to her. "I remember you being so frustrated you tossed Giggles across the room," Peter recalled and referred to her old stuffed animal. This caused her to smile a bit. "I apologized." She mumbles to him. "Giggles forgave you, didn't he?" He tilted his head slightly, "So did your mom. And so will your dad." He assures her. It's not worth fighting about. Nat and Tony are back from the dead. They should be celebrating. Not fighting. Peter pressed something against her wound to stop the bleeding and held her hand. "I'm sure he understands." He says to her softly.

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