•Chapter 69• Get The Girl

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"Get the girl." Four men approached them while the round-faced man remained in the doorway. Peter stood protectively in front of his girlfriend, shielding her with his body. "Kid, don't be difficult. We just need her to come with us. Just like before." The round-faced man said to him. "Yeah, and I told you she wouldn't be leaving again. So she isn't." "Get the girl!" The man spat harshly at his co-workers again. Although, they seemed more like minions or his little helpers. They wouldn't say anything, they only made sounds. Grunting or huffing at each other. Peter could feel Y/n's fingers gripping him from behind. He pleaded for her to stay behind him. Four on two. They've had more intense fights in the past. "The boss wants to talk to her, kid."
"He can talk to us both." Peter barked at him. "Just the girl will do. Stark, if you don't come with us willingly, we will carry you across the room. We do not wish to do that but we will." The round-faced man targeted his eyes at Y/n. "We just want to talk business, Stark."
"You're going to ask me the same questions from before. And I'm not telling you anything." Y/n tells the man very sternly. Her tone reminded Peter a bit of Natasha. She was trying he best to pull herself together and be strong. The men approached them and one on the left tried to yank her away from her by her arm. She tried to free her arm but the man's grip was tight. Peter kicked the man away from her, though, sending him a few feet back. Because his focus changed to one man, the others decided to grab onto the boy as tightly as they could. "

Peter stood up to them. He got one arm free and started swinging around hoping to hit someone. One of the men had handcuffs in his hands. Peter heard a small click. "Hold him still!" Before the metal could close around his wrist, Peter pulled away and elbowed one of the men right in the ribs. The man put an arm around himself and got down on one knee. "You little bastard." Peter stepped on the man's knee and jumped to the ceiling, which he otherwise would not have been able to reach. His fingers stuck to the ceiling and he pulled himself up so that he was hanging and they couldn't get to him. Y/n stood on the other side, holding the man from earlier in a headlock. She sat on his shoulders with her leg tight around his throat as she grabbed his hair. That's his girl. There wasn't much time to think or keep looking at her. Two came at him with weapons. If he had his Webshooters, he would have pulled the weapons out of their hands first. So it had to be different. No problem. His feet left the ceiling for a moment to trap the first man right in the face. Before Peter could do anything else, Y/n jumped at the other man. She used her entire body to twist around him, finally wringing his neck. Before she could do that, the round-faced man grabbed her from behind and pulled her with him. Peter tried to go after it, but the man who tried to knock out Y/n hit the boy so hard in the neck that he ended up thrashing on the ground. How it tasted blood and started coughing hard. He couldn't breathe. "Peter!" Y/n screamed and fought. But the round-faced man had his arms around her too tightly. "It didn't have to happen this way, you know. This is your own fault."

"Thank you, Matt. Thank you so much." Tony thanked the man as he shook his hand. "Anything for a friend," Matt replied as he sank down to sit on a chair. Tony joined him at the table, sitting beside him. "I can't believe you're alive," Matt said to him. "I know. Y/n... talk to Y/n about it. The girl did something unimaginable." Tony unknowingly rolled his eyes at the thought of what happened. He couldn't imagine how strange it must feel for Matt right now. He tried to. Steve was not the same. When Captain America went into the ice, he didn't know him, but he'd heard stories. Every time Natasha disappeared she came back. The woman can't be killed. Bruce came back too. "Do you have her last location?" Matt questioned. Tony scratched his forehead just above his eyebrow. "Yeah, Fury has it." Tony answered, "So, uh, do you know anything? Anything at all?" Matt shook his head and set his cane down beside him. "Not a thing. So, she's completely off the map, huh?" Matt replied. Tony fiddled a little with his hands above the table. He has dealt with anxiety before. Somehow this seemed a hundred times worse. "You did say something was off this time," Matt recalled from their talk the other day. "There is. We don't know who it is. The person they were going after, the one Fury is looking for? Something to do with equipment being destroyed or something like that. I didn't really listen to the man. It was something to keep our universe safe. There is no trace of them. No records, no leads. Except for something the kids found out. Some wannabe Jigsaw figure. We don't know. And now she's been taken. She was staying at a hotel in the city." Tony informs his friend. Kids. Plural. Matt ignored it for now. "The drone attack. I heard it on the radio." Tony's fingertips started tingling as a shiver ran through his body. "There are some speculations but we don't know. They're too well hidden. And now they have my daughter. Who knows what they will do to her? Fury doesn't even know their motives yet. There are just things happening. And Fury is a deeply mistrusting person. And he decided to put my daughter on the job..." Tony whispered that last part. "She made the decision herself. I'll go to the last location and try to find her."

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