•Chapter 57• Coffee Shop Date With Friends

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"You keep an eye on her, kid." It is safe to say that Tony did not agree with this. Peter helps his girlfriend put on her coat and wraps a scarf around her neck. "Don't want you to be cold," Peter says to her before kissing her forehead. He then turned to face Tony. "I have my web shooters. I can take her right back in case something happens. I doubt anything could go wrong when she's just going out for coffee with Ned and MJ-" Peter started chuckling but cut it short when he noticed Tony's angry glare. "I'm not joking about that. Your daughter is everything and anything could happen to her so I will look out for anything." Peter said in a nervous tone. Y/n smiles a little at her boyfriend before turning to her father. "Dad, I'll be fine. It's just coffee." She assures him. Tony steps toward her and tucks her scarf into her coat so it can't escape with one single breeze. She feels like a little kid again. "Dad –" Tony grabbed her head and pulled her head closer to his mouth so he could kiss her head as well. "I don't want you to get sick, squirt." She gives him a sympathetic look. "Peter did it just fine." She mumbles. "And I did it better." Tony was quick to respond. It is nothing personal. Peter is a good kid. At times like this, Tony's fatherly instincts, something he always denies having, comes out. "Dad, can we go?" Y/n asks. Peter did not wait for Tony's blessing to leave. He grabs his girlfriend's hand and takes her outside where there is a car waiting for them.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, we don't have any proof or anything. You know how MJ gets." Peter reminds her as they are sitting in the car together. "Then we'll just convince Strange to give them their memories back. That will make them believe us for sure." She replied. All Peter could dream of was having his closest friends back together again. This is the longest he has been away from Ned since they became friends. It still hurts to think that he doesn't even remember him right now. He was not thinking about Petr the same way he was thinking about him. Ned was like his brother. But is right now the time to tell them? It's never the right time, Y/n has told him that many times before, and she is right. He wants his friends back. But this was the wrong motive. Or was it? Peter was confused about it all. "Don't you want them to remember who you are?" Y/n asks him quietly. Peter reaches out to hold her hand. "I do." He mumbled. "It'll be easier to just tell them. Maybe they can come over and keep you more company." She suggested. "In case you die?" Peter asks her. It sounded a lot harsher than he intended. "Peter –" He pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He apologized to her. She smiles at him warmly. "I just don't want you to be alone." She tells him. It was sad, for sure, but it still made Peter's heart flutter. She really cared about him. Unlike Liz, who was just a boy's crush. Not like MJ, a small fling. Y/n loved him. He kissed her hand again as the car drove them to the coffee shop.

Peter holds open the door for an elderly couple that is about to exit the coffee shop. "Such a gentleman." The elderly lady grinned at Peter as he helped both her and her husband down the slippery steps. Peter told her it was no trouble and to have a nice day whilst following his girlfriend inside. "You're sweet," Y/n tells him. The boy shrugged with a playful smirk planted on his lips. "Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." Y/n giggles quietly as she starts to pull off her coat. MJ was chatting with Ned in the back. Ned was sitting in his usual spot with a half-eaten donut in front of him. Y/n smiles and walks over to them with her scarf and coat wrapped under one arm and holding Peter's hand with the other. "Save something for me?" Michelle and Ned's expressions brightened when their friend walked up to them. Ned was the first to get up. He embraced Y/n and gave her a tight squeeze. "Hi, Ned." She feels safe with him. Not like she does with Peter, but close enough. "Wow... you look..." MJ spoke up beside them. Y/n chuckles awkwardly as she pulls herself from Ned's embrace. "Terrible, I know. Doing a lot better already." She assures her friends. MJ pulls the young Stark into another warm embrace. "It's good to see you." Y/n rubbed her best friend's back gently. "It's good to see you too. Both of you." She started, "Oh, and you remember Peter, right?"

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