•Chapter 79• Itsy Bitsy Spider

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It took way too long for his liking to get Y/n on the phone. She didn't reply to his texts or calls. 'Busy with Dad' she eventually replied. That wasn't enough. He needed to hear her, see her if he must. When she finally picked up the phone, Peter overflowed her with questions about what Harley said to him earlier. It had been messing with him for hours now. "Did you get into bed with him?" "What?" She asked him. She wasn't sure if she'd heard him correctly. Peter repeated his question in a snappy voice. "N-no. I went to say goodnight and left." She squeaked out. Peter snapped at her harsher than he realized. She didn't know what she did wrong or why he snapped at her like that. "You did?" He asked, his voice still sounding harsh. "Yes. Why would I get into bed with Lee? Did- did he say that?" Peter hummed and nodded his head – not that Y/n could see t. "Peter, I didn't. I can send you the camera footage if you want." Y/n didn't know what else to offer him. She wanted to prove to him that she wasn't cheating. What did Harley say? He did mention he'd run into Peter and the others in the shop earlier. On the other side, Peter heard his own voice for a split second. Guilt washes over him. "No, no, you don't have to do that. Sorry."
"He really said all that?" Y/n asked him. Peter felt horrible for snapping at her like that. He knew Y/n would never do anything like that. Not with those intentions. "Lee just wanted to get on your nerves. Peter, I promise, I wouldn't-"
"I know. I know. Shouldn't let him get to me like that." He sighed into the phone. Y/n explained to him what happened the night before. Peter felt bad, still. Her voice was quiet. He told her what happened earlier and apologized again for snapping at her. He wasn't mad at her. Not even a little. He was angry at Harley. Furious, even. "Did you threaten him?" Y/n questioned. He wasn't proud of it. He acted like a jerk earlier. "He was talking about you. I got a bit tense." Y/n felt a bit bad. She shouldn't have let Harley go up there alone. She knew Peter, Ned, and MJ would be there. "Oh, Pete..."

"Heard your dad's with you." Peter cut her off, switching subjects. "Wha- oh, yeah. He is. He wanted to see the facility and see what projects we've been working on. He's thinking about coming back, maybe. I'll still be in charge and all that, so he can step away whenever he wants. I told him I'd love to have him, of course." Peter hummed but didn't really respond to her. "Are you okay?" Y/n asked her boyfriend. A small silence followed after. Both Y/n and Peter breathing into their phones. She opened her mouth to speak again when Peter jumped in. "Y/n, I don't like it. You with him up there." She'd expected him to say something like that. She sighed. "Lee is harmless."
"Baby, I don't like it. Please, I cannot make you do anything. It's your choice. It would make me feel a lot better if you weren't there with him so much alone." He hated his honesty at this moment. He couldn't help it. Harley was Y/n's friend and he couldn't forbid them from talking or spending time together. Y/n did not want to choose between them and she wouldn't. "You can understand that, right?" She could hear the uncertainly in his voice. "I understand. I will try to keep my distance if that makes you comfortable, okay?" She didn't like it, and she wasn't sure how to do that, but she would try. For Peter. "Thank you, Y/n/n."
"Anything for you, Pete."

Tony was too occupied and taken aback by the project his daughter was working on with her friend, Harley could leave him for a little. She had left a few minutes ago to 'have a quick phone call'. He just wanted to make sure she was alright. "Oh, hey, I was just-" Y/n marched toward him angrily from around the corner. "What did you say to him?" She shoved Harley harshly, sending him a few steps back. "Wha- Hey?! What are you talking about? What was that good for?" He placed his hands on his chest where Y/n's hands were only a second ago. That shove kind of hurt. "You talked to Peter. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Of course. The boyfriend called. He could have expected that. "Oh, he snitched on me? That's kind of pathetic."
"Snitching? Fuck you, Lee." She started poking his chest with her finger. He held up his hands in the air. "Hey, I was just teasing him a bit. He was just as bad. Did he tell you that? Probably not, right?" They were both to blame for this. They both crossed lines they shouldn't have. But, of course, Peter was putting all the blame on him. And Y/n believed him. "You're a major dick." She spat at him. This wasn't fair. Sure, Harley could have turned around and walked away, but he chose not to. "Y/n, I didn't start this. Blame it on me all you want, but your Spider-Boy is the one who kept making comments and being jealous." This comment only earned him an even more stern and deadly glare from the woman in front of him. "Quit looking at me like that." He said, his voice calm but slightly dominant. "Peter called me, Lee. Sharing a bed with you? Really?!" She snapped.

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