•Chapter 84• Big Baby At Night

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"Baby, where did you go?" Peter whined sleepily. Y/n smiled at him and set the plate on the bed before she crawled in beside her boyfriend. "I told you I'd make you something to eat. You haven't eaten yet and your hands were shaking earlier." She kissed the top of his head. Peter shifted to snuggle into her, his arms wrapping around her stomach. Y/n ran her hand through his hair softly. "Pete, you have to eat something." She helped him sit up straight against the headboard and handed the plate to him. He practically inhaled the sandwich Y/n made for him. He felt a little nauseous but was still hungry. And after he'd eaten, he already felt a lot better. Peter took the plate and placed it on the floor beside the bed after he finished. Y/n opened her arms and let Peter snuggle back into her. "Thank you," he said to her. The way he said it reminded her a bit of her sister Morgan. Just as sweet and innocent. "You take good care of me."
"We take good care of each other, baby. I would have hated it to sleep alone." Peter grinned at her. He used his index finger to draw little shapes on her clothed stomach. Y/n giggled at the ticklish feeling. "I love you." She told him and combed her hand through his hair very softly. Peter exclaimed with a loving sigh. "I love you." He felt needy. Craving physical contact. Y/n played with his hair, letting her nails travel from his scalp to his neck, sending very small shivers through Peter's body. She knew he was a bit sensitive. His heightened senses were not always making things easy on him. He could handle light and soft touches.

"Pete?" He hummed quietly in response. Y/n pressed another kiss to his head. "Is there something you want to do? Something to make you feel better?" Laying here with her was already cheering him up. He shrugged and mumbled a quiet 'I don't know' and went completely silent again. All he wanted was to be close to her and be babied by her. His grip around her only seemed to tighten. Y/n could feel him bucking his hips against her softly. It was like he wanted to crawl into her. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. She didn't mind him being clingy like this. "You just want to stay like this?" She asked. Peter nodded against her and shut his eyes. She rested her chin on top of his head. He rested his full body weight on her. "Is there anything I can do for you?" He was barely saying anything to her, and his eyes were still heavy from the tears burning behind them. She assured him that it was okay to cry. He just couldn't bring himself to do so. "No, I don't think so," Peter replied quietly. Y/n could barely hear him. She could feel him buck his hips against her again, making her chuckle. "Are you sure?" Peter lifted his head to look at her. "What?" Y/n melted beneath him. "Baby, it feels like you're humping my leg." Peter's cheeks burned up again and he gulped. "Sorry. Just wanted to be close." Y/n smiled softly at him. "That's alright, sweetie." She said to him, "If you want to do something, that's okay." Those weren't his intentions, not at first, but thinking about how it would take his mind off things. Though, he wasn't sure if he was up for it. "No pressure, sweetie. It's just that you seemed a bit touchy." She brushed a little strand of hair off his forehead. He blushed and immediately broke eye contact when their gazes locked.

"Could you take off the arc reactor?" Peter asked. That was not what she expected him to say. Peter pushed himself off her chest giving her some space to reach underneath her shirt. She pulled the device off her chest and placed it on the nightstand. She didn't need a reason. Peter rested his head back onto her chest. Y/n shifted to lie back down on her pillows. He listened to her heart beating softly even if it skipped a beat every now and again. "It doesn't hurt anymore, right?" Peter asked her. "My heart? No. It does sting sometimes, but it is nothing too bad." She hadn't mentioned stinging before. The arc reactor has been working fine these past weeks. Eventually, she might need surgery, but not now when everything seemed to be working fine. "Are you sure?" Y/n nodded and kissed Peter's head again. "Yes, and if anything changes, I'll be sure to let you know." Peter laughed against her chest. He felt his own nerves starting to calm down. He'd already forgotten about MJ. "I can't do anything else for you?" She asked him and pulled the duvet further up their bodies. "Miss Stark, I have Ned Leeds on the phone!" Friday caused both of them to jump. Peter started looking around, eyes darting around the room. He looked like a scared little puppy. "Pete, it's okay. Hey, hey, look at me." She cupped his face in her hands, "It's just Friday. Ned's calling." She covered the poor boy's ears. He was still sensitive and overstimulated. "Friday, tell him I'll call back later, okay?"
"Yes, Miss Stark." Peter hides his face in the crook of her neck. Suddenly, the tears started to roll. "Oh, baby, you're okay. You're safe." Deep down, Y/n cursed everything surrounding them, especially MJ. She got to him. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here." She whispered to him.

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