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Legolas leads me to the library where I sit by a large window and start writing my letter home.

Dear Mother, Father, Aillard and Daciana and the twins. 

I hope you are all well. 

The coronation was a beautiful affair and Aragorn is now happily married to Arwen. I'm a certain they will rule Middle Earth kindly and fairly. Mirkwood is just as you will remember it and Thrandruil has been very kind and hospitable. 

As I'm sure you are already aware. Legolas and I are engaged to be married. 

Mother, I need your help with practically everything. Please send any advice you can on planning a wedding. I would be grateful for everything. 

I am extremely happy and look forward to seeing you all again soon. 

All my love, 

Y/N Xxxx

I jump turning quickly when the door bangs open and a distressed guard runs into the room. "I'm sorry to disturb you your highness but there is a dragon claiming she knows you." I chuckle walking over "I hope she didn't cause to much distress?" he shakes his head straightening his armor and clearing his throat "Not at all." 

Tucking my letter into my pocket I follow the guard through the hallways and out into a courtyard where several guards are gripping their swords tightly staring at Skylar who is sat up in the middle. I walk over laughing when she starts nuzzling her head under my chin, similar to a cat. "I thought I asked you to stay in Asenlone?" she snorts sparks flaring from her nostrils "I got bored." I shake my head slightly laughing "You've grown again." she nods whipping her tail around "I know, but I found a lovely cave by your lake. I moved all my books there." 

I nod and tilt my head slightly "Well we're going to have to find you somewhere to stay. Come on." she wraps her tail around her waist and tucks her wings in tight but fitting through the door is still a tight squeeze. Luckily the hallways are large and airy so there's no risk of her breaking anything or getting stuck. I find a large empty room near the living quarters and allow her to walk in "You should be alright in here, try to stay out of trouble while I go and talk to Thrandruil." she nods and settles down on the floor closing her eyes.

Smiling softly I leave the room and head towards the throne room. I spot Legolas just leaving and run to his side grabbing his arm "Legolas..." I yelp in surprise when he turns pinning me to the wall an arm against my neck "Y/N, I am so sorry. You scared me, reflexes just took over. Are you alright?" I laugh and nod "I'm fine, I guess now we're even." he chuckles kissing me softly "I guess so."

"Skylar is here, I let her in one of the empty rooms along the living quarters corridor." he nods grinning "You might want to warn my father, he is not keen on dragons." I sigh "I know but Skylar is harmless." he smiles warmly "I'll come with you, once he's met her it will be fine." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now