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After hours of flying, Ash swoops down and lands lightly in a courtyard. I jump down and press my forehead to his "Thank you for everything." he caws softly and takes off again disappearing into the clouds. I bow smiling at Lord Elrond and Arwen who walk forward. "You have quite a story to tell," I smile and he continues "You will be happy to hear that Ivy is safe in our stables." I nod "Thank you." Arwen walks forward and hugs me gently before pulling away smiling "Legolas Greenleaf stopped by and dropped off this." she hands me a letter which I take something in my chest fluttering"Thank you."

Elrond smiles "You must be tired come." I follow him inside chuckling"Just a little." he nods "You can tell your story tomorrow." He walks away and Arwen leads me to the same room I stayed in before I left with the dwarves over a year ago. I walk inside and find all my belongings exactly where I left them. Arwen smiles "May I know what the letter says?" I smile and remove my bag and weapons placing them on the floor before breaking the seal on the letter and opening it.


I hope that this letter finds you well. I am headed north to find the Dunedain. I am to find a young man known as Strider. I hope that we will meet again sometime. If possible I will visit Asenlone when I can. Stay well and stay safe. I wish to speak with you and tell you something that I can not convey over letter.

Yours, Legolas

Arwen grins "He cares for you greatly." I smile and blush slightly. "And how do you figure that?" she smiles "He wants to tell you something but in person. Logically he wants to tell you that he likes you." I laugh "Good night Arwen." she smiles"Sleep well." she walks out and I stretch taking the dragon egg carefully out of my bag and putting it on a cushion. "At least you won't hatch till I give you a name." I change into a loose shirt and trousers and remove my bracelet, necklace and tiara, before flopping down onto the bed relaxing into the covers. I can't remember the last time I slept in a proper bed.

I fall asleep quickly exhausted from everything that has happened. I wake in the morning and yawn rolling slowly out of bed. I change into a light green tunic and trousers placing the tiara from the dwarves on my head. I pick up the necklace Ailmar gave me and smile putting it around my neck. I secure the bracelet from Thorin and pull on some leather boots before walking out of my room towards the dining pavilion. Lord Elrond is already seated there drinking from a goblet. He smiles and I sit down opposite him bowing my head slightly.

"You have quite a story to tell." I smile and nod thanking the elf who hands me a goblet of water. "I suppose I do." he smiles "Is it correct that you escaped King Thrandruils dungeons?" I smile into my goblet blushing slightly "I had help." he nods smiling slightly "And you killed a dragon?" I smile shrugging "I only helped with that a man named Bard killed Smaug. Which reminds me do you have any books on dragons?" he looks confused "Almost certainly, have a look in the library." I nod and Arwen appears smiling brightly. She sits and food is placed on the table.

"Now what happened when you left Rivendell." I smile and take a deep breath before beginning to tell them both a slightly summarised version of what happened. I pause and take a long drink before continuing until I get to the part about the dragon egg. "You have a dragon egg?" I nod "Yes, but it won't hatch until I give it a name." he nods "That is why you wanted the book on dragons." I nod "I plan on raising it." he nods looking slightly shocked "I would not advise that," he smiles "But I'm guessing you're going to do it anyhow." I nod and smile slightly "I just need a name and to know what it will eat and how fast it will grow."

Arwen beams "I'll help you look for a book." She stands and I follow suit bowing towards Lord Elrond he smiles "Go." I take a piece of lembas of the table and follow Arwen to the library. She pushes open the door and smiles "What do you plan on calling the dragon?" I smile "Skylar, sky for short." she nods and I offer her half the lembas "Books on dragons. Shall we look in person or by magic." she smiles "I enjoy watching you use your magic."

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now