Frodo wakes up

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Outside there is the sound of running and I look out the door to see Merry and Pippin running towards Frodo's room. The two of us follow Aragorn shortly behind to find the three hobbits all smiling and laughing on the bed. Sam appears in the door way and smiles brightly at Frodo. After a while the rest of us leave the hobbits be as they talk happily and share what has happened with Frodo.

Gandalf smiles "I assume you are heading home shortly?" I nod "I have been away long enough." he nods and I hug him tightly then turn to Aragorn also hugging him "I'll see you in a month." he nods smiling slightly "I'm not sure I'm ready." I smile "You will be the best king this land has ever seen." I leave the two of them and walk to my room beginning to pack away my belongings. Once I've finished I move over to the desk where my weapons lay. 

There is a feeble knock on the door and I walk over opening it to find Frodo and Sam. I smile letting them in "How are you both?" Sam shrugs "Better, thank you." I nod and the two of them sit on the bed "You've been alive a long time haven't you?" I nod confused slightly by the question "Yes and I will live a long time after this as well." Frodo frowns "Do you ever forget? The bad things I mean. The fighting and the pain?" I and kneel on the floor in front of them "No, but I believe that is a good thing. That way we always remember to cherish the good." 

They both nod and I stand rummaging around in my bags for a small crystal. Finding it I take it out and split in half using one of my daggers. I hand a half to the both of them "This is a memory stone. It will store all your good memories, so when ever the bad tries to take over all you have to do is look at it and see the good." Sam smiles "Really?" I nod and smile at Frodo "You have been through so much for some one so young. My people will tell stories of the two brave hobbits who destroyed the one ring and saved us all." they both blush and smile "Will we see you again?" I nod "At the coronation and I plan on visiting the shire once in a while."

The two of them stand and I hug them both watching them leave. I smile and lay out my newly cleaned armor next to my weapons ready for the ride home tomorrow. I change into a simple blue dress and walk to the dinning pavilion where the others have already gathered. There is a merry feast full of laughter and stories and the pain of the last however many months is forgotten. If only for a few hours, but it is nice to see the hobbits smiling and together once more.

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