The Argonath

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Just as it grows dark we beach the canoes on the shore and make camp. Sam is tending to the fire and Skylar is reading her new book her eyes acting as natural torches. Aragorn and Boromir start arguing and I lay down falling asleep quickly. The next morning Legolas shakes my shoulder gently "Time to move." I stand and gather my things helping the hobbits back into the canoes. We continue downstream and the Argonath come into view.

I smile at the great statues as we glide past. The river opens up onto a lake a great waterfall at the other end. We pull the canoes up onto a beach and Sam starts a fire. Aragorn sighs "We cross the river at nightfall. Hide the boats and carry on on foot. We approach Mordor from the North." Gimli stands from his place at the fire "Oh yes? Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil an impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better." 

I roll my eyes at the dwarf as he continues "Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see." Aragorn nods "That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf." Gimli huffs and sits back down grumbling to himself. I scan the tree lines and Skylar leans her head on my leg "Mordor is a bad place." I nod "I know." Pippen reappears with a pile of wood and looks around "Where is Frodo?" everyone looks around and I frown "Boromir is missing also." 

Aragorn walks into the trees and I stand "Skylar stay here watch over the camp." she nods and I follow Aragorn into the forest. I can hear footsteps and follow them. I can sense something dark and know Frodo has put on the ring. Aragorn has disappeared in the trees but I can hear his footsteps. I hear the sound of many running and run towards them. I find Aragorn fighting Uruk-Hai. I draw my two swords and help. Legolas and Gimli appear and start killing any Uruk-Hai they get close to. I sheath my swords and take out my bow shooting the Uruk-Hai.

A horn sounds to my left and I turn "The horn of Gondor." Aragorn runs towards it "Boromir." I follow and concentrate on Skylar Skylar, I need my medical bag. Which one? The small leather pouch with silver thread. I run after the others shooting Uruk-Hai as I go. The horn sounds once again and I use my magic to track the sound. I hear a bowstring being pulled back and the thud of an arrow reaching its mark. I run faster and see Merry and Pippen and Boromir with two arrows sticking from him a third soon joining.

I shoot the Uruk-Hai I can see and watch helplessly as Merry and Pippen are carried away. I continue shooting the retreating Uruk Hai but they are now too far away. Aragorn jumps on the Uruk-Hai about to shoot Boromir again and I run over to him "They took the little ones." I nod "Hold still." Skylar appears with my medical pouch but he grabs my arm and shakes his head "Don't." Aragorn appears by my side "Can you help?" 

Boromir stares at Aragorn "Frodo. Where is Frodo?" Aragorn whispers "I let Frodo go." Boromir nods "Then you did what I could not." I take out a bottle of healing potion but Boromir frowns "I tried to take the ring from him." I nod and go to take out on of the arrows "Don't. Forgive me, I did not see it." he grabs Aragorn's shoulder and I stand giving them some privacy. Skylar looks confused "You are not healing him?" I shake my head "I can not heal a man who does not wish to be healed. It is his choice."

Legolas appears and I walk over to him Skylar following behind. Aragorn leans forward and kisses Boromirs forehead lightly. Gimli appears behind us and Aragorn frowns standing "They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return." Legolas places a hand on my arm "Are you alright?" I nod and he walks over to Aragorn helping him lift Boromir.

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