Helms Deep

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I help sort supplies and make sure the wounded are tended to. I spend most of the time standing on the wall scanning the surrounding area. I spot a horse approaching and feel my eyes widen. I run down the steps to where a crowd of people have gathered. He walks forward and hugs Aragorn. I smile and walk forward "You gave us all a scare." he smiles "I need to speak with the king." I nod and walk with him. Legolas appears and smiles "You're late." he frowns "You look terrible. I grin "What do you expect he fell of a cliff." Aragorn grins and Legolas hands him the Evenstar.

Aragorn thanks him and walks away towards Théoden. I smile and turn to Legolas who smiles "Come on." we follow and listen to Aragorn as he speaks to Théoden. he has every able bodied man and boy get ready to fight. I follow him out onto the causeway with Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has every breached the Deeping Wall." Skylar swoops down landing next to us and I smile "I need to ask a favour." she smiles "Anything." I nod and hand her a note "Take this to my father be as quick as you can." she nods and I kiss her nose "Good luck."

She takes of and Legolas smiles "What did you ask of him?" I frown "To send aid. We are going to need all the help we can get." he nods and Gimli speaks up "This is no rabble of orcs. These are Uruk-hai, their armour is thick and their shields broad." Théoden approaches him and scowls "I have fought many wars Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep." We walk back inside and the gates are shut. Aragorn argues with Théoden about what will happen. Théoden insists that we are alone and walks away ordering the women and children into the caves.

I sigh turning to Legolas "He is stubborn."  he nods slightly "Let us hope your letter arrives before the Uruk-hai." I nod and I walk to the armoury. I help several young boys into armour and find them swords. One who looks barely over the age of ten walks towards me in chain mail several sizes to big. "'Scuse me miss." I smile and crouch down "Need a hand?" he nods and I tie the chain mail up with a belt so that he can walk. "What's your name?" he smiles "William miss." I nod "Are you scared?" he shakes his head "No miss." I nod "You must be very brave some of the best fighters get scared before a battle."

I stand and hand him a sword "Good luck." he nods "Thank you miss." he walks away and Legolas walks over "Y/N I need to speak with you." I nod and tilt my head "What is it?" he smiles and pulls me over to a secluded corner. "If something goes wrong or one of us doesn't make it I just have to tell you that..." he trails of and stares at the ground. I place a hand gently under his chin and lift his head up so I can look into his eyes "What?" he blushes slightly "Iloveyou." I blush "W-what?" he smiles slightly "I love you." 

Smiling I place my hand on his cheek "I love you to and we're going to survive this." he nods and I kiss his cheek "For luck." he grins and walks away towards Aragorn. I hear the two of them arguing in elvish and hear Aragorn yell "Then I shall die as one of them." he walks away and I walk over to Legolas and Gimli taking Legolas's hand gently "Let him go." he nods and Gimli raises an eyebrow "So you finally told the lass you like her."

I blush and Legolas nods slightly. Gimli grins "Well its about time. At least that's one good thing that's happened." he turns to me "He never shut up about you lass when every you where asleep or collecting fire wood." Legolas blushes and pulls away slightly I smile "Is that so?" he shrugs "Maybe, I have been meaning to tell you since I saw you again in Rivendell." I smile and kiss his cheek again before walking away.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now