Fangorn forest.

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Skylar lands and walks around nose to the ground. I jump down and scowl at the smell. Gimli holds up a burnt belt and looks close to tears "Its one of there wee belts." I frown and Aragorn kicks a helmet yelling before falling to his knees. Gimli frowns "We failed them." Aragorn moves forward slightly frowning "A hobbit lay here, and the other. They crawled. Their hands where bound." he stands and starts walking following scuff marks and barely visible trails. He crouches and picks up a piece a frayed rope "Their bonds were cut. They ran over here and were followed."

We continue walking and Skylar walks in front stopping at the forest edge. "They went into Fangorn." I smile and the dragon and nod "They may still be alive." Gimli scowls "Fangorn? What madness drove them in there?" I sigh and we leave the horses walking into the trees "Y/N can you track them with magic?" I shake my head "I would need something of there's." Skylar smiles and hops arounds the trees "Smells funny." I nod and Gimli points to leaves stained black "Orc blood."

I take my bow of my back and hold it tightly as we continue on further into the woods. Aragorn crouches down and frowns "These are strange tracks." I walk over and stare at the ground "I do not recognise them." Gimli scowls "The air is so close in here." Legolas looks around nodding slightly "This forest is old, very old. Full of memory and anger." the trees around us creak and groan and Gimli raises his axe. I smile "The trees are speaking to each other." we all turn to look at Gimli and Aragorn sighs "Gimli! Lower your axe." 

Legolas smiles slightly "They have feelings my friend. The Elves began it. Waking up the trees teaching them to speak." Gimli frowns "Talking trees? What do trees have to talk about? Except the consistency of squirrel droppings." I smile at the Dwarf and we continue walking. Legolas stops "There's something out there."  I stand next to him and Aragorn whispers"What do you see?" I frown "The white wizard approaches."

Aragorn nods "Do not let him speak he will put a spell on us." I nod "His magic is some of the strongest I will be of little help." Skylar sits by my feet "He can't put a spell on me!" I smile at the dragon "No." We all stand tense and I notch an arrow to my string. Aragorn stares straight ahead "We must be quick!" We all turn and Legolas and I let our arrows fly but they are deflected. Aragorn's sword glows red with heat and he drops it scowling. I drop my bow slightly and stare at the bright light in front of us the figure looks strangely familiar.

A voice that sounds like Saruman but that is slightly distorted begins to speak "You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits." Skylar goes to lunge at the figure but I stop her "Wait." Aragorn steps forward squinting in the light "Where are they?" the figure replies "they passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" I frown trying to make out the voice. Aragorn frowns "Who are you? Show yourself!" 

The light fades and I gasp nearly dropping my bow in shock. It can't be. I saw him fall after a flaming Balrog. His magic faded. Yet here he stands in front us the only difference being his hair and robes are now pearly white instead of grey. Aragorn steps closer "It cannot be." I manage to find my voice and choke out a very quite "Gandalf?" Legolas bows "Forgive me. I mistook you for Saruman." he smiles "I am Saruman. Or rather Saruman as he should have been. Aragorn shakes his head "You fell..."

He nods "Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak I fought the Balrog of Morgoth. Until at last I lay down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Darkness took me and I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the Earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again. I've been sent back until my task is done." I shake my head clearing it and manage to speak stepping closer to him "Gandalf." 

He looks confused "Gandalf? Yes. That is what they used to call me, Gandalf the Grey." I nod and take another step forward so I am standing next to Aragorn "That was my name." he smiles "I am Gandalf the White, and I come back to you now at the turn of the tide." I smile and he starts walking. As we follow him through the trees he speaks "One stage of your journey is over. Another begins. We must travel to Edoras with all speed."

Gimli sounds confused "Edoras? That is no short distance." I nod and scowl "We hear of trouble in Rohan it goes ill with the king." Gandalf nods "It will not be easily cured." Gimli scowls "Then we have run all this way for nothing? Are we to leave those poor Hobbits here, in this horrid, dark, dank, tree-infested..." he stops as the trees begin to groan loudly "I mean charming quite charming forest." Gandalf turns to face him "It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippen to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years."

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