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Your P/O/V:

I smooth down the fabric of my dress as I shift around in my seat my stomach feeling like I've swallowed hundreds of butterflies. Willow continues to do my hair before placing my tiara on top and helping secure my various pieces of jewelry. "You look beautiful." I smile weakly and she wraps an arm around my shoulders "Nervous?" I nod "Terrified."

She chuckles "You can face down orcs, fight for your life, help kill a dragon and raise one. And your afraid of getting Married to the love of your life." I nod slightly and stand slowly my skirts flowing around me and starting to pace "I love him so much. But standing in front of all my friends and family, people I've known for so long and binding my life to his for ever." She smiles warmly taking my hands in hers "Y/N I have known you for a very long time. You are my best friend and I know this is what you want to do. Just take a deep breath," I do so closing my eyes "And remember that you get to spend the rest of your life with the man you love."

I smile "Thank you Willow, for always being there." she grins and the door swings open Tauriel, Daciana and my father walking in. "You look beautiful little one." I smile hugging him gently "Thank you Ada." the door opens once more Skylar shuffling in with the wedding rings clutched tightly in her claws. "Are you ready?" I nod slipping my arm through his "Ready." Tauriel, Daciana and Willow all pick up their bouquets and hand me mine before leading the way out the room.

Taking a deep breath I grip my fathers arm tightly as we follow slowly walking through into the main chamber. The room is crowded, a royal wedding indeed. My mother has truly outdone herself. Flowers, vines and ribbons are wound around the room decorating the windows and pillars. The guests are all seated in neat rows all facing towards a beautiful flower arch where Legolas is waiting looking as handsome as ever Gimli standing by his side as best man. 

My father pats my hand lightly and we start walking along the isle rose petals floating delicately from the ceiling. I keep my eyes forward focusing on Legolas's calm features. Legolas steps down offering out his hand, kissing my fathers cheek and squeezing his hand once more I reach out taking Legolas's allowing him to pull me up onto the raised dais.

"You look incredible." I blush slightly gripping his hand tightly. Skylar waddles up next to Gimli several shocked gasps echoing around the room. The elf officiating the wedding steps forward raising his arms "Ladies and Gentlemen. People of all races, family and friends. I welcome you here today to witness the joining of two people through the bonds of love. Today Princess Y/N of Asenlone and Prince Legolas of Mirkwood confess their love for each other and become bonded for life. If you will please bring the rings forward."

Skylar steps forward holding out her paw the two rings balancing on her palm "Legolas do you take this woman as your wife? To guard and love her through sickness and health. To comfort in sorrow and stay by her side through all the challenges you will face?" he nods gripping my hands tightly "I do."

"Y/N do you take this man to be your husband? To protect and love him through sickness and health. To comfort in sorrow and stay by his side through all the challenges you will face?" I nod smiling brightly "I do." he smiles softly "Then with these rings you bind your promise to love and care for each other through thick and thin. Through good and bad. Through all of life's challenges your love will burn bright." we exchange rings and Legolas leans closer whispering "I love you Y/N Greenleaf for eternity." 

I grin wrapping my arms around his neck "I love you too Legolas Greenleaf." he closes the gap completely pressing his lips against mine the room erupting in cheers.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now