Lament for Gandalf

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Leaving my bag and all my weapons next to her I follow another elf to a bathing pool where I wash any dirt from my person. I stare into the water for a moment thinking of Gandalf and all the ways I could have saved him before standing and changing into a clean tunic and trousers which is a nice change from my armour. I walk back to the others and look up into the trees smiling slightly as the voices of the elves reach my ears Legolas also smiles slightly "A lament for Gandalf." 

Pippen looks confused "What do they say about him?" Legolas shakes his head "I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near." Sam smiles slightly "I bet they don't mention his fireworks." I smile at the hobbits and I walk away from the others into the trees losing myself in the sad music. I sit on a bench and jump slightly when someone sits next to me "Do you mind if I join you?" I shake my head "Of course not."

Legolas smiles slightly "You have been affected the most by this loss yet you do not grieve." I frown "I sometimes find it hard to express my emotions. If I was ever upset or angry I would channel it into my sword." he nods and I lean my head on his shoulder allowing tears to fall down my face "I just can't bring my self to believe he is truly gone." Gently Legolas wraps an arm around my shoulders.

We sit there for a while and things grow quiet and for the first time in a while, I feel safe and calm. I wipe my face and manage to smile "Thank you." he looks confused "What for?" "For being there for me." he smiles "Always." we stand and we walk back to the others who are asleep. I lay next to Skylar and place a hand on her head letting her snores lull me to sleep. Images flash through my mind. Saruman with Uruk-Hai, the white tree at Gondor and Gandalf lying on a rock his sword and staff next to him. The images disappear as quickly as they came.

The next morning I change back into my armour and Skylar stretches grinning "I feel like I could fly for miles." I smile at her and put my bag on my back and my weapons back in their places. The others wake slowly and pack their things away. We are led to a river where we are each given a green cloak. Lord Celeborn smiles slightly "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

Three canoes are prepared and we are given food provisions. Legolas smiles "Lembas, Elvish waybread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." I smile and Merry and Pippen look at each other "How many did you eat?" "Four." I smile at the two of them and help load the canoes while Skylar watches from the bank. 

Everyone is also given a gift. Legolas a bow, Gimli a lock of hair, Merry and Pippen daggers, Sam rope, Frodo the light of a star. "You bear the loss of a great friend, Princess Y/N of Asenlone." I avoid her eyes "As a gift to you I give you this," she holds out a quiver beautifully crafted with a pattern of fire going around it. Inside there are a dozen or so arrows "May these always find there mark." I smile and bow my head "Thank you my lady." she nods and turns to Skylar "You are very kind to your friend little one."

Skylar stands on her back legs "She is my mother my lady." Galadriel smiles and hands her a small book with silver binding "I hope this is of value to you." Skylar stares at the book in her paws before putting it carefully in her pouch "Thank you."

We climb into the canoes and I sit behind Legolas with Gimli and Skylar in front. Legolas and I both have paddles and Gimli stares out in front of us "I have taken my worst wound at this parting." I smile and he continues "Having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me." Legolas tilts his head slightly "What was her gift?" Gimli sighs "I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three."

Swiftly we make our way out onto the main river and allow the current to propel us forward. Skylar takes off and scouts from the skies I can sense orcs nearby. I frown I can sense them also, stay close. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now