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(small time skip of a few days)

The familiar buildings of Rivendell come into view and I jump down from the horse I am on running forward to greet Lord Elrond who smiles warmly "Frodo and Sam arrived yesterday. They are both healing well." I nod and he smiles "Ivy is in the stables and Skylar is resting in your room." I smile "Thank you." he nods "Of course." he turns and greets the others. Merry and Pippin stare at me worriedly "Are they both alright?" I smile "They are healing and will need rest." they nod and Legolas walks over to me wrapping an arm around my waist.

"What happens now?" I smile turning to him "I don't know. But first I would like a bath and a lot of sleep." he chuckles taking my hand in his "Your wish is my command." I smile and we walk inside, he gets lead to a different room and I go to mine opening the door slowly. Skylar looks up and smiles sleepily before plonking her head back down on the floor. I chuckle and walk through to the bathroom beginning to fill the tub with water and bubbles.

Slowly I take of my armor and tunic leaving it in a pile on the floor to wash later. I slip into the water and sigh in relief the warmth soothing my muscles. I scrub my skin and hair removing any dirt and grim and wounder when the last time I had a proper bath actually was. Deciding its best not to dwell on it I climb out of the water and wrap a towel around myself before walking into my room to find something to wear. I find a green tunic that falls to my knees and pull it on before sitting on the bed and brushing my hair. 

There is a light knock at the door and I smile "It's open." Legolas walks in smiling brightly "The others are having dinner if you would like to join." I nod and stand interlocking our fingers and leaning my head on his shoulder as we walk. After a brief dinner the two of us leave and head back to my room. I lay down laying my head on his shoulder and smile "I could get used to this." he looks confused "What?" I smile kissing him lightly "You. Waking up next to you. Just everything." he chuckles wrapping both arms around my waist "Well we have all the time in the world princess." I grin and close my eyes falling asleep listening to the steady sound of his heart beat.

Over the next couple of days, Sam wakes up which leads to much merriment among the hobbits as the three of them exchange stories and hugs. But Frodo remains asleep. He is now fully healed and it is only a matter of time before he wakes up. I spend most of my time with Legolas either reading or walking around the gardens, enjoying every moment of it.

I put down the book I am reading and turn to Legolas who is sprawled on the bed next to me "I should probably go home soon." he nods and I smile "Would you come with me?" he smiles "Of course." I sigh "My mothers going to kill me, I haven't written in a long time." he chuckles sitting up "Would you like to send her a letter now?" I nod "That's probably a good idea." he stands getting a piece of parchment and a pen "Here." I kiss him gently "Thank you." I write a short letter telling my parents that I will be home soon and that I am fine. Deciding to tell them the most of it in person. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now