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Gandalf sighs staring at Frodo "Then we turn East to Mordor." he sits down and starts smoking his pipe while Sam starts cooking. I sit next to Skylar and watch as Boromir challenges Merry and Pippin to a sword lesson. Aragorn is sitting near them also smoking giving the hobbits helpful pointers. I smile and Skylar tilts her head He confuses me. I smile Why's that? She scowls He treats you differently from the rest. I laugh quietly That is because I am a female, men act differently towards us. She nods and continues glaring at Boromir.

I turn and smile at Gandalf as Gimli starts talking "If anyone was asking for my opinion, which they are not, I'd say we were taking the long way around. Gandalf we could pass through the mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." I frown remembering what lives deep in the heart of Moria, Gandalf frowns "No Gimli, I will not take the road through Moria unless I have no other choice." I smile slightly and turn catching a glimpse of Legolas who is looking into the distance.

Boromir and the hobbits are still fighting, Boromir hits Pippin with his sword instantly apologising. The hobbits drop their swords trying a new tactic tackling Boromir to the ground, Aragorn laughs quietly and goes to help but ends up flat on his back. I smile and walk over helping him up before dragging the two hobbits off Boromir, putting them back on their feet. "Are you good with a sword Y/N?" I smile at Merry "Depends on who you ask." Boromir grins swinging his own "No man has beaten me in combat since I was five." I smile "Yet two hobbits had no trouble in doing it at all." He scowls "I was going easy on them."

I un-sheath one of my swords and raise it, he does the same. He instantly starts trying to get past my defences failing every time. He leaves his defence down most of the time obviously thinking that attacking his opponent will keep them occupied. I smile and bring my sword up feigning to the left and kicking his legs from underneath him before pointing my sword at his chest. "Beaten by two hobbits and me on the same day. I think you need some practice." I walk away and sit back down next to Skylar who is snickering slightly.

I turn to look at the sky, a large black cloud is approaching. Sam looks confused "What is that?" I stand and Gimli shrugs "Its nothing just a wisp of cloud." Boromir looks concerned "Its moving fast, against the wind."I focus on it and Legolas gasps "Crebain from Dunland." I gather the things around me and throw them under a bush as Aragorn yells "Hide."

I use my magic sweeping any belongings under rocks and bushes hiding them "Skylar hide." She crawls under a rock and the others scramble for cover. I end up next to Legolas in a bush. The birds fly over circling around before flying back in the direction they came from. Legolas stands and offers me a hand pulling me up "Are you alright?" I nod and straighten my tunic before turning to look at Gandalf as he speaks "Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched, we must take the pass of Caradras." We all turn and stare at the huge mountain snow covering its sides and the peak hidden in cloud. I remind myself its better than Moria and walk over to Skylar "Are you alright?" she nods and stretches "I'm fine." I smile and someone pokes me in the side.

I look down to see Pippin smiling slightly and showing me his hand which is bleeding quite a bit for a small cut. "Mr Frodo said you were good with healing things." I smile and crouch down in front of the hobbit binding his hand with a piece of cloth with a small amount of herbs to stop any infection "Is that alright?" he grins and nods before running off over to Merry. Legolas walks over and smiles slightly "Would you like to walk with me?" I smile and nod.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now