Leaving home

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The next morning I wake early and change quickly into my armour placing my weapons on my back and sides. I smile at the daggers from Thorin and the one from Ailmar before placing them in my boots. I use my magic and send my saddlebags to the stables. Skylar wakes slowly and shuffles around before flopping onto the floor. I smile and she stretches "We are leaving?" I nod and she walks over "Will there be books?" I smile "Not many, put what you want in your pouch then meet me on the front steps."

She smiles and walks over to the door glaring at the handle. I smile and walk over opening it for her, she disappears down a corridor. I scan over my room for anything I could have missed before walking out and closing the door. I go down to the kitchen and pack another two bags with food and medical herbs. I also grab a few potions and two water skins, one for water and one for milk. I fill them both up then leave.

 I walk out to the front steps and find Willow stroking Ivy's nose fully saddled and with my saddlebags already attached. I smile and walk over "You didn't have to do this." she shrugs "I wanted to." I smile "Thank you." she nods and we hug gently. "Goodbye and good luck."

My mother and father appear along with Ailmar and the twins. I smile and hug them all before kneeling down to face the twins. They both smile sadly and I hug them both gently "I'll come back with more stories." they both nod and hug me tightly before walking back and hugging Aillards legs. I smile and give them all the elvish salute before jumping up onto Ivy. Skylar appears and Willow lifts her up and she climbs up around my shoulders. The gates open and I nod towards my family giving one last glance at the houses in the trees and the palace in the huge old oak tree, wondering when I will return.

I ride into the forest and head towards the nearest village pulling up my hood and face mask so only my eyes are visible. Where are we going? I smile Where ever we are needed. she nods and settles back down closing her eyes. I smile and pat Ivys neck "We'll ride for a few hours then stop and rest." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now