What to do next

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Legolas P/O/V:

I wake up slowly and find that Y/N is curled up in my arms breathing softly. I smile and kiss her forehead slowly moving away while trying not to wake her up. She however looks up and smiles sweetly "Good morning." I smile and kiss her gently running a hand through her hair "Good morning." I go to say something else but someone knocks on the door announcing there is a big meeting in the throne room. 

The two of us stand and change quickly leaving most of our weapons in the room. Y/N ties a small dagger around her waist as we leave and stretches "I wounder where Skylar went?" I shrug slightly "Last I saw she was still flying over the battle field." she nods slightly and we walk into the throne room. Gandalf, Gimli, Aragorn, Eomer and Skylar are already there. Y/N run's over to Skylar and Gandalf sighs "Frodo has passed beyond my sight."

Y/N looks up at him frowning and Aragorn frowns "If Sauron had the ring we would know about it." Gandalf starts pacing "It's only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat but behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping." Gimli who is smoking his pipe grins "Let him stay there and rot. Why should we care?" Y/N scowls at him "Because 10000 orcs now stand between Frodo, Sam and Mount Doom."

Gandalf shakes his head slightly "I've sent him to his death." I look over to Y/N and find her absentmindedly stroking Skylars nose obviously lost in thought. Aragorn shakes his head slightly "There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time and a safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth." Y/N nods "We need to draw out Sauron's armies. Empty his lands." Aragorn smiles "We gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate."

Éomer scowls "We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms." Aragorn nods "Not for ourselves no. But we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us." Y/N smiles brightly "A diversion." I sigh "Certainty of death." Gimli nods "And a small chance of success, what are we waiting for?"

I walk with Y/N back to our small room and wrap my arms around her tightly "This can not end well." she smiles "There is a small chance." I nod "I want you by my side the whole time, so I can keep an eye on you." she grins and leans up kissing me gently "I'll try." I nod and she starts putting her armor back on strapping her weapons into place. "Your staring." I blush slightly and look away "Sorry." she smiles taking my hand gently "Come on lets go see where we can help."

We walk to where the horses are being kept and help saddle them. Y/N mounts her horse and joins the growing crowd waiting next to Gandalf Skylar standing next to her. Gimli grins climbing up onto our horse "Come on lad. We have a competition to settle." I roll my eyes and jump up leading the horse out of the stables towards Gandalf, Aragorn and Y/N.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now