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Flashes of Frodo, Sam and Gollum still flicking past my eyes with a great fiery eye behind them but then the images change to a white tree that is standing alone in a courtyard. I notice that the tree is dead and everything around it is on fire, whispers in a dark language that I do not understand start growing louder. I recognize the city as Minas Tirith but everything is burning and falling apart. And the tree of kings is dead.

I sit up shaking and draw my knees to my chest breathing deeply. After a minute I stand and pull on my boots and pull on my cloak when I hear a commotion down the hall and the sound of Merry yelling reaches my ears muffled by the walls. I stand and run through the halls towards the disturbance. 

Pippin is on the floor gripping the palantir which is glowing and whispering. Another door bangs open Legolas and Aragorn running in. Aragorn reaches Pippin first and I yell "No, don't touch it!" either he doesn't hear or doesn't listen but he grabs it of Pippin who falls to the floor. Aragorn also collapses and the palantir rolls along the floor. I run and grab a blanket of the floor covering it quickly. 

Gandalf walks over and scowls "Fool of a Took." Gandalf runs to Pippins side while I go over to Legolas and Aragorn checking he is okay. He stands and the three of us walk over to Gandalf just as Pippins eyes fly open and he starts breathing quickly. Gandalf asks him what he saw and Pippin starts describing an image just like the one in my dream. Pippin is crying slightly while he talks and there is fear and pain in his eyes.

Gandalf stands and Merry runs to his friends side. I help lift Pippin up onto his feet and over to his bed roll "Both of you get dressed and meet us in the main hall." Merry nods and I walk out the room following the others to the main hall. The sun is just starting to filter in through the windows and Theoden walks into the room rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?" Aragorn briefly describes what happened and Gandalf sighs "There was no lie in Pippin's eyes. A fool, but an honest fool. He told Sauron nothing of Frodo and the ring."

I move and stand next to Legolas leaning on him slightly. Pippin stares at the floor blankly while Merry stands by his side. "We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith." he continues talking and I listen intently while Theoden questions Gandalf. 

Aragorn offers to go to Minas Tirith and warn them but Gandalf shakes his head and walks over to him whispering "You must come to Minas Tirith by another road. Follow the river. Look to the black ships." he moves away and continues talking "I ride for Minas Tirith and I won't be going alone." he turns to look at the two hobbits staring at Pippin. 

The three of them leave the room and I think about the images that I keep seeing. Wondering if I should tell Gandalf about it. I decide not to and Legolas turns to me "Are you alright?" I nod slightly and he tilts his head "You look troubled."  I smile and kiss his cheek "I'm alright." he nods slightly and Gimli frowns "So where are we going?" I smile at the dwarf "We follow the king." Aragorn smiles slightly "We wait for the signal." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now