The ring is destroyed

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We are clearly outnumbered and I draw my two swords swinging them once to loosen my wrists. Gimli sighs "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." Legolas smiles "What about side by side with a friend?" Gimli nods "I could do that." I smile at the two unlikely friends and watch as the orcs begin to close in completely surrounding us. Aragorn raises his sword a grave look on his face "For Frodo." he runs forward cape billowing around him all of us following swords raised and armor clanking. The soldiers let out a battle cry and the sounds of swords clashing soon echoes around me.

I lose track of everything losing myself in the steady rhythm of killing orc after orc, swinging my sword deciding against using my bow. I catch glimpses of the others in the throng of orcs and I close my eyes using my magic to kill the orcs closest channeling it through my sword as I fight. I scowl as more orcs fall and try not to look at the soldiers who lay dead on the ground hoping we can buy enough time for Frodo and Sam.

 The air is filled with screeching and I look up to see Nazgul sweeping low. I scowl and almost let out a sigh of relief when I see a flash of blue. The Eagles and Skylar swoop over attacking any air born riders bringing them crashing down to the ground.

 My arms begin to ache but I ignore them continuing to swing and bring down the orcs. A deafening screech echoes out across the land and we all turn the fighting almost stopping as everyone  watches as the great eyes tower begins to crumble before disappering with a mighty blast of energy that sends out a shock wave over the plain. The remainder of the tower collapses and the orcs begin to flee. The ground opens up swallowing most of them before they can escape, all that is left of Mordor is the broken gate and burnt black rocks that litter the ground. 

The mountain itself begins to crumble and worry takes over my mind.


I know, I'm flying as fast as I can

Please help them

I'll try

Bring them home

I wait anxiously sheathing my swords and moving closer to Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. Merry and Pippin are both on their knees sobbing obviously already expecting the worse for their two friends. I can see Gandalf in the distance on top of one of the eagles. We wall watch as they sweep low over the ground obviously scanning for any sigh of the two halflings. The eagles dive on something and Skylar calls out.

We've found them. They are unconscious but alive.

Take them to Rivendell, as fast as you can.

Gandalf is leading the way.

I collapse to my knees and Legolas wraps an arm around my shoulders "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" I manage a weak smile. "I'm alright. They found Frodo and Sam and are taking them to Rivendell." he nods "Then we shall meet them there." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now