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Finally the two of us pull apart, Legolas cups my face gently taking my hand in his spare one "Ready?" I grin kissing him once more "For anything." removing his hand we turn to face everyone in the room. On the right my parents are practically beaming while Alex and Lilly jump up and down squealing. The dwarves are seated behind them and on the other side of the room along the front is Thrandruil, Aragorn, Arwen and Elrond all smiling and clapping.

Everyone gathers in the main hall and Legolas wraps a protective arm around my waist as we walk around greeting guests. Thorin limps over with Fili and Kili his hair almost completely grey but still the same familiar smile. "Its good to see you again Y/N." I smile hugging all of them "You as well, King Fili." he puffs out his chest and Kili rolls his eyes. I chuckle turning to him "And how is married life treating you Kili?" he grins "Excellent, although the kids are driving me insane." I grin "How are they?" he shrugs "Good, I love them really. Uncle spoils them endlessly." Thorin shrugs slightly "I am not apologizing."

I chuckle and Daciana walks over with Aillard. "You look beautiful sister." I grin hugging him tightly "Thank you." he grins "Legolas is a worthy husband, I hope you are both very happy together." I laugh and hug Daciana who chuckles "Now I have a brother and a sister." I grin and crouch down to hug the twins who come barreling out of know where wrapping my arms around them "You look so beautiful Aunty. A beautiful pretty princess." I laugh and Legolas appears by my side. Aillard smiles giving him a one armed hug "Welcome to the family." 

Smiling I turn and spot Ailmar by one of the large floor to ceiling windows a tall male with dark hair by his side. I slip through the crowd stopping in front of them smiling "I'm glad you came." Ailmar smiles giving me a hug "Of course, a beautiful ceremony by the way." We pull apart and he takes the other elf's hand kissing the ring encircling one of his fingers "Y/N this is Linmir." he bows and I curtsy "It is a pleasure to meet you." he smiles "You as well princess and congratulations." I beam "Thank you."

The four hobbits walk over and all bow causing me to shake my head "What did I tell you about bowing?" Sam smiles "You are a princess we are supposed to bow." I sigh and shake my head slightly "Oh Sam, Merry, Pippin, Frodo this is Captain Ailmar and his husband Linmir." they all incline their heads to one another and Frodo smiles brightly "May I speak with you please?" I nod "Of course." we walk over to a quite corner and he starts fiddling with his cuff "I wanted to thank you for the crystal and kind words, they have really helped. But I was hoping I could ask you a favor, my memories haunt me constantly and I was hoping your magic could help."

I sigh placing a hand on his forehead "Frodo Baggins you are one of the bravest warriors I have ever met. I hope one day you find peace." my hand glows momentarily and he visibly relaxes "My magic will help only a little. It should keep your bad memories at bay allowing the good ones to cover them." he smiles brightly his eyes lighting up "Thank you and congratulations." he walks back over to his friends and arms slither around my waist. "How are you faring Mrs Greenleaf?" I turn my head slightly smiling "Very well thank you." he kisses my cheek and we look out over the room "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, facing everything side by side."

He grins and I turn wrapping my arms around his waist "I love you so much Legolas Greenleaf." 

"And I you Y/N Greenleaf." I kiss him gently and jump slightly when music starts playing "May I have this dance my lady?" I giggle taking his hands in mine "Of course you may."

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now