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Someone grabs my arm and I jump slightly turning to see Ailmar. There is a cut on his right cheek but other than  that he seems alright. I hug him and smile slightly "Are you hurt." I shake my head "I'm alright." he nods and I heal his cut with magic. "Thank you." I nod and pull away "Have you seen Legolas?" he shakes his head "Last I saw he was pulling Aragorn and the dwarf up of the causeway." I nod and walk away.

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it." I run towards Aragorn's voice and see him and Théoden and behind them, Legolas. I run over and hug him tightly "Are you alright?" I nod and smile slightly "You?" he nods and kisses my cheek lightly "We should help barricade the door." I nod and we pick up a bench carrying it over before returning to Theoden and Aragorn. 

Aragorn orders for the women and children to be evacuated out of a back entrance and Turns to Théoden trying to convince him to ride out with him. Sunlight begins to stream through the small window and my eyes widen "Gandalf!" The others begin to mount their horses and I do the same drawing one of my swords. The sound of a horn echoes out over the keep and the door shatters Uruk-hai streaming inside. 

We ride forward slashing down the orcs. We make it onto the causeway and continue on into the masses of orcs. I look up and see silueted in the sun Gandalf and the riders of Rohan. I smile and sheath my sword returning to using my bow. The riders meet the Uruks and I lose track of where everyone is killing any Uruks that I come into contact with. The Uruks realise they are over run and start to run away trying not to be trampled by the horses. They disappear into the forest and I stop alongside Gandalf and the other riders. Watching as the trees move killing the remaining Uruk-hai. 

Slowly everyone turns and rides back to the keep. Wounded are all put in the hall to be treated and others start to clear away the dead. I follow Legolas over to Gimli and he smiles "Final count, forty-two." Gimli nods "Forty-two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling." I smile and Gimli grins "I myself am sitting pretty on 43." Legolas scowls and shoots the orc that Gimli is sitting on "Forty-three." I roll my eyes and Gimli frowns "He was already dead." Legolas shrugs "He was twitching." Gimli growls "He was twitching because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system." 

I laugh and roll my eyes "Although both are very impressive I win with sixty nine." Legolas raises an eyebrow and Gimli grins "Not bad lass." I smile "Thank you." Legolas smiles and kisses my forehead. Gandalf appears with Aragorn and Théoden and we all mount our horses riding towards Isengard. Skylar flies overhead and Gandalf speaks "The battle for Helms deep is over the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin. All our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits, somewhere in the wilderness."

We ride forward and into the forest. I lose sight of Skylar from the dense branches but can sense that she is nearby. We break through the tree line and I spot two familiar hobbits lounging around on a wall smoking. Merry stands "Welcome, my lords and lady to Isengard." Gimli scowls "You young rascals. A merry hunt you've led us on and now we find you feasting and... and smoking."

Pippen smiles "We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts." I smile and Skylar lands next to me, her head just reaching my knee. Merry smiles "We are under orders from treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Aragorn and I help Merry and Pippen onto our horses and we ride forward into the water and Skylar takes of again landing on a wooden frame out of the water. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now