Drinking game

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Eomer handing a tankard too the both of them "No pauses, no spills." Gimli grins "And no regurgitation." I roll my eyes and Legolas looks confused "So its a drinking game?" Gimli nods "Last one standing wins." Gimli starts drinking heavily while Legolas sniffs his tankard looking concerned. I smile slightly and lean on the barrel next to me watching as he starts to drink. 

Gimli drops his empty tankard quickly grabbing a second. The two start draining tankards at a steady rate and Gimlis eyes are going slightly cloudy. Gimli laughs "It's the Dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women." I laugh into my drink and watch Legolas puts down another tankard and looks at his hand confused "I feel something a slight tingling in my fingers." I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing and he looks up concerned "I think its affecting me."

Laughing Gimli slams an empty tankard onto the table "What did I say? He can't hold his liquor." I roll my eyes and watch as Gimli falls of his seat backwards landing in a heap on the floor. The surrounding men laugh and Legolas smiles slightly "Game over." I smile slightly laughing "You do know we can't get drunk of this stuff right?" he looks at me confused and I laugh "Gimli didn't stand a chance."  he smiles "And you didn't tell him?" I laugh "I didn't think he needed to know." 

The men look at us confused and I smile "Gimli won't be to pleased he lost." Eomer grins "What about you?" I raise my eyebrow "What about me?" he smiles "Can you hold your liquor?" I smile slightly and drain my tankard "I've won many drinking games I wouldn't challenge me." he shrugs "Ellyan," a young man walks forward and Eomer smiles "This is our reigning champion, no one can beat him!" I smile and he sits down I sit opposite him and Legolas stands next to me "Is this a good idea?" I smile "I'll be fine, I can't say the same for him."

Eomer hands us both a tankard and I nod my head slightly "Bottoms up." Ellyan grins and downs his tankard. I quickly do the same. This continues for a while until he starts to struggle. I smile sweetly "Feeling alright." he nods and grabs another tankard. He manages to drink three more before he falls forward in his seat his head landing heavily on the table. I finish my last tankard and stand the surrounding men looking at me in shock. Legolas smiles and I turn to Eomer grinning "Game over."

I turn and walk out the room and out the main doors letting the cool breeze wash over me. I hear two people walking up behind me and turn to face them. Two soldiers both clearly drunk grin at me "What's a pretty lady like yourself doing out here by yourself?" one slurs and the other says "Are you lost sweetheart?" I frown slightly "No, but you both clearly are." One grins reaching forward to grab my arm, I go to his hand away but Skylar jumps in front of me growling at the two of them.

Both of there eyes widen in fear as Skylar growls "Leave her alone." they nod and quickly walk away. I smile at the dragon and stroke her head gently "Thank you." she smiles purring slightly. "You are getting big," I smile "I can't really call you little one any more." she smiles and tilts her head slightly "What will happen when I am fully grown?" I shrug and smile at her "We will deal with that when it comes." I yawn slightly and she smiles "You should sleep, I know you keep saying you don't need to but you do."

I nod slightly and kiss her forehead lightly "Good night Skylar." she stretches her wings "Good night." I walk back to my room and kick of my boots before laying on the bed and falling asleep quickly.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now