He's gone

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Once we are out in the open air we walk several miles before collapsing onto some rocks. I feel tears streaming down my face but don't do anything to stop them, he's gone. I can't believe he is gone. Skylar nudges me gently with her head before putting it in my lap and looking at me sympathetically. I wipe my face and Legolas sits next to me "I'm sorry." I nod "He was like a second father to me." 

I look around and see the others are all in a similar state to me and are grieving for the loss of Gandalf. The hobbits seem to be the most affected. Legolas and I stand and I check over my weapons. "Legolas, get them up." he walks over to Merry and Pippen and Boromir scowls "Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Aragorn frowns "By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with Orcs. We must reach the woods of Lothlorien."

Aragorn turns to the others "Come, Boromir, Legolas, Y/N, Gimli, get them up." Slowly the hobbits stand and we walk away from Moria. Skylar scouts from the air and slowly the rocky ground turns to grass. Once the trees come into view we run through the open field into its shelter. I manage a small smile the trees remind me of home and it is much better than being in the mine. 

Slowly we make our way through the trees and Gimli is on edge "Stay close young Hobbits. They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch of terrible power." I smile slightly knowing that he speaks of the Lady Galadriel. "All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again." I roll my eyes slightly and he continues "Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." I can hear elves moving in the trees but don't say anything.

Gimli continues talking "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." he looks up and I grin as he finds several arrows pointing at him. Obviously, his hearing is not as good as an elves. More bows are raised and I hear the Hobbits gasp in shock and fear. Legolas has his own bow drawn but I leave mine on my back putting a hand on Skylar's nose so she doesn't attack anyone.

"The Dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." Gimli growls and I smile at Haldir "Nice to see your welcome has improved." he bows his head slightly and I return the gesture "It is good to see you again." he nods "You as well princess." The others lower their bows and we follow Haldir and the other elves through the forest and up into Galadrials palace.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now