The fate of the ring

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I attach several daggers to my legs and change into my armour. I pull my hood over my face and follow Elrond to the meeting, Skylar walking behind us keeping close to my leg. I sit on the end of the circle next to Frodo Skylar laying on the floor next to me. "Y/N what will happen?" I smile at the hobbit "The fate of the ring is to be decided, I do not know what will happen." he nods and sighs "Sam wanted to be here but he wasn't invited."

I smile and look over to where I know the hobbit is hiding "I'm sure he will be alright without you for a little while." The dwarves walk over grumbling to each other about the food and sit. The group of elves appear next and I feel my eyes widen, Legolas. He looks exactly as he did when I last saw him only not in armour. I smile to myself and watch him as he sits talking quietly to the elf next to him.

Frodo watches everything quietly, Gandalf walks over and smiles before sitting down. Finally, the men appear, I recognise Boromir. All of them give Skylar and I glares or strange looks. I put my hand on her nose Leave them She tilts her head glowering at them But they are glaring at you. I smile I know. She continues to glare at them as Lord Elrond stands to address everyone.

 "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You've been summoned here, to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it. You will unite or you will fall." I analyse everyone's faces although some hard to read they all show fear. "Each race is bound to this fate. This one doom." he turns to Frodo "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." slowly Frodo stands and walks to the centre of the gathered everyone following him with their eyes. He places the ring on a podium before returning to his seat.

Boromir leans forward slightly eyes fixed on the ring "So it is true." Everyone stares at the ring and Boromir stands. I put a hand on the hilt of one-off my daggers and watch him carefully. "In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the west, a pale light lingered." he walks towards the ring slowly and I shift in my seat ready to use my magic if need be. "A voice was crying. Doom is near at hand Isildurs bain is found."

Elrond, Gandalf and I all exchange glances as Boromir reaches forward "Isildurs bain." Elrond stands "Boromir." Gandalf starts chanting in black speech standing slowly and I watch as everything grows darker. Boromir moves away from the ring and Elrond places a hand on his head. Everyone else either looks around in fear or closes their eyes obviously trying to block out the noise. Boromir sits back down and Elrond scowls "Never before has a voice uttered the words in that tongue here."

Elrond sits back down and Gandalf speaks "I do not ask your pardon. Master Elrond. For the black speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the west." I place a hand on Frodo's as he looks terrified and he turns giving what I think is supposed to be a reassuring smile. "The ring is altogether evil." Gandalf moves to sit back down when Boromir speaks "It is a gift. A gift to the foes of Mordor." he stands again and I put a small dagger in my hand as he continues "Why not use this ring? Long has my Farther the steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay."

I frown and Gandalf sits back down also following Boromir with his eyes. "By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him." I frown "You can not wield it." he turns to me "What do you know?" I stand to push back my hood "No one can wield its power." he scowls "You are nothing but a she-elf." I scowl and Skylar stands sparks flaring from her nose. I throw my dagger using my magic to stop it so that the point is barely touching his nose.

"I would not make me your enemy, Skylar back." Still glaring at Boromir she steps back slightly sitting down. My dagger returns to my hand and Aragorn stands "She is right, you can not wield it, none of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone, it has no other master." Boromir scowls again turning to face Aragorn "And what would a ranger know of this matter?" I smile at the mistake.

Legolas stands and I smile slightly "This is no mear ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance." Boromir looks shocked and turns to Aragorn "Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?" Aragorn raises his head slightly and Legolas continues "And heir to the throne of Gondor." I smile and Aragorn shakes his head slightly "Sit down Legolas." Boromir frowns "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king."

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now