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"I had better be careful of what I say." I turn to come face to face with Legolas who smiles slightly at me. I grin "It is good to see you again." he nods "You as well. I received your letter and never got the chance to think of a reply. It seems time has gotten away from me." I smile "It's alright." he stares at the floor "I hoped that I would see you again." I nod warmth filling my cheeks "Would you like to walk around the gardens?" he nods and the two of us walk side by side. "What have you been up to since you left Mirkwood?" Legolas smiles "I spent some time in the north where I met Aragorn before travelling Middle Earth."

He pauses and stares off into the distance "I returned home a few weeks ago and volunteered to come here when the summons arrived." I nod and he smiles "I heard rumours of you almost everywhere I went. I was surprised to see you here." I smile "Gandalf summoned me here." he nods "Have you been back to the mountain since?" I shake my head "No although I have sent and received several letters but that was a few years ago. I did mean to go back but as you said, time seems to have gotten away from me." He nods and smiles slightly "I am glad you are here."

I turn away blushing slightly and we turn back towards the palace "The dragon is very protective of you." I smile "Her name is Skylar, I'm raising her." he nods and we walk through the corridors I stop outside my room smiling "I'll see you tomorrow." he nods and smiles "Sleep well, we have a long journey tomorrow." I nod and bow my head slightly before walking into my room shutting the door gently. Skylar is asleep curled up on a blanket.

Smiling I pack a rucksack with clothes, medical supplies and various other things I might need. I leave most of my clothes and all the jewellery. Except for the necklace from Ailmar, the bracelet from Thorin and a bracelet that my parents gave me which is engraved with all of our names. I find a piece of parchment and send a note to my parents explaining what I am going to do and that I probably won't write or visit for a while. I use my magic and summon an owl before tying the note to its foot and thanking him before he flies away. I put my bag on the desk and change into a long tunic before climbing into bed, falling asleep almost instantly. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now