Leaving Rivendell

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(A/N you are standing behind Gimli next to Gandalf.)

I wake early and change into my armour strapping my bow, quiver and two swords to my back, two swords at my waist, two daggers on each leg and two on the small of my back. I also put the small dagger from Ailmar in my pocket. I sling my bag over my back and wake Skylar, she yawns and grumbles not happy with being woken up. "Sorry but we need to leave." she follows me out the room and find Elrond on the dining pavilion. I bow my head and take two apples and a piece of Lembas "Thank you for your hospitality if it is not too much to ask may I leave Ivy and some of my belongings here?"

He smiles "Of course it is no trouble." I bow my head and give him an elvish salute "Thank you." I walk to the stables and find Ivy. I stroke her nose and feed her the apple "I'm going on a quest." she head butts me and I smile "You're going to stay here." she snorts and I smile "I cannot risk your life, you will be safe here." I feed her the other apple and leave the stables eating the Lembas, Skylar follows and we walk to the Rivendell gate were the Hobbits and Boromir are standing.

I walk over to the small pony who is accompanying us and carry all the bags. I use my magic to make some of them lighter before placing my own on his back. I stroke his nose and smile going to walk over to Gandalf when Boromir walks over smirking and blocking my path. "So you're coming on the quest with us? If you need someone to protect you." 

I sigh and clench my fists at my side "I assure you I'll be perfectly alright." Gandalf and Aragorn appear and I walk over to them "I dislike the man." Gandalf smiles "And why is that?" I scowl "He believes I am weak." Aragorn grins "Well he'll get a shock when he sees you fight." Skylar is glaring at Boromir, Legolas and Gimli appear and Elrond steps forward speaking "The ring bearer is setting out on a quest to Mountain. On you who travel with him, no oaths nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell hold your purpose, may the blessing of elves, men and free folk go with you."

Aragorn, Legolas and I all bow in respect, Gandalf smiles "The fellowship awaits the ring bearer." Slowly Frodo turns around and walks past everyone, through the gate and out into the forest. I walk next to Gandalf and smile at the young hobbit as he whispers "Gandalf is it left or right?" Gandalf smiles "Left." The others follow in a sort of line and we leave Rivendell behind us.

After two days of Boromir not shutting up about himself and how heroic he and his brother are I end up walking next to Gimli. "Man giving you grief?" I smile "I'm fine but Skylar wishes to kill him." Skylar smiles from her perch on the pony's back. Gimli laughs slightly "Thorin told me of a lass who he gave a dragon egg." I smile "I remember that very clearly, it was the last time I saw the mountain." "You're the elf who helped reclaim it?" I nod "You look a lot like your father." he smiles under his beard "So you're the one who gave them the whistles?" I nod and he grins "Never thought I'd meet ya myself."

I laugh slightly "How was everything when you left?" he shrugs "All good, you're the second elf I've met who doesn't instantly glare and think the worst." I smile "So you've met Taurial?" he nods and I watch Skylar launch herself into the sky circling around before dive-bombing something on the ground. She repeats this several times before returning and landing happily on the pony's back before falling asleep. "The king spoke very highly of you." I smile "Did he?" Gimli nods "Apparently he owes you a life debt?" I chuckle slightly "I told him that he doesn't." Gimli nods and Gandalf turns to Frodo and I listen to what he says

 "We must hold this course West of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds the gap of Rohan will still be open to us." We stop and Sam builds a fire while the others sit down and look around our surroundings.

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