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We walk up several flights of steps and stop on a pavilion and Haldir turns to us "Welcome Legolas son of Thrandruil." he bows his head slightly "Our Fellowship stands in your debt." "Aragorn of the Dunedain, you are known to us." Aragorn bows his head slightly "Y/N of Asenlone, it is good to see you again my friend." I smile and bow my head slightly. Gimli huffs in annoyance "So much for the courtesy of the elves, speak words we can all understand!"

"We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days." Gimli scowls "And you know what the Dwarf says to that?" he insults Haldir in Dwarvish and Aragorn scowls turning to him "That was not so courteous." Haldir turns and stares at Frodo "You bring great evil with you." he turns back "You can go no further." We all stand on the Pavillion and Aragorn tries to reason with the elves in hushed whispers. "Do you think they will let us pass?" Legolas turns to me and I shrug "We will just have to hope they do."

He nods "You know Haldir?" I smile and nod "He visited Asenlone on many occasions and I have visited here a few times." he nods and I watch Boromir talking to Frodo. Skylar nudges me with her head "What's happening?" I smile "We are waiting for the elves of Lothlorian to make a decision." she nods "I'm tired." I smile "You can sleep soon, I promise."

Haldir reappears "You will follow me." Everyone stands and we follow him through a pathway in the trees coming to a small clearing "Caras Galadhon, the heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of light." We continue on through the trees and into Caras Galadhon. Up a winding staircase that is wrapped around a tree, we stop on a platform in front of a flight of steps.

The Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn walk down the steps stopping in front of us, Skylar sits behind my legs peeping her head around curiously. Legolas, Haldir, Aragorn and I all do an elvish Salut and Lord Celeborn begins to speak "The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Nine there are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar" I frown and stare at the floor flashes of his death going through my head.

Lady Galadriel looks at each of us "Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of these lands. He has fallen into Shadow." Legolas frowns slightly "He was taken by both shadow and flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." I close my eyes trying to clear the images from my head but can't. When I open them Galadriel speaks again "Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose. Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad-dum fill your heart Gimli, son of Gloin. For the world has grown full of peril."

Gimli looks up meeting her eyes "And in all lands love is now mingled with grief." Boromir sobs and stares at the ground and Celeborn glances at us "What now becomes of this Fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." Skylar slumps onto the floor and I crouch down checking she is alright as Galadriel speaks "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all." Skylar has fallen asleep and I stand again Galadriel smiles slightly "Yet hope remains while the company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil."

I crouch down again and wake Skylar "Come you can not sleep here." she scowls but stands and follows. We are lead down to the forest floor and to a large room in a tree with beds for everyone. Skylar collapses on the ground snoring contently as smoke rises in gentle coils from her nose. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now