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We all run through the halls Skylar flying overhead, I keep a tight grip on my bow and keep glancing around. Orcs appear from behind us and cracks in the floor and they begin to surround us swarming from the roof and down pillars until we are completely surrounded. Down one of the corridors, a deep growl appears and a faint orange glow. Boromir scowls "What is this new devilry?" I place a hand on Gandalfs shoulder as the glow begins to grow brighter he frowns "A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!" 

Everyone hears the urgency in his voice and we all follow him towards the bridge which is our only hope of escape. We run through a narrow doorway and Boromir nearly falls off the edge of a steep stairway but Legolas and I grab him pulling him away. I can see the bridge now and turn to Gandalf who is obviously struggling with all the running. We all start running again being careful on the steps. We come to a crack in the ground and Legolas and I jump across easily Skylar hovering in the air.

I can sense the Balrog drawing closer and watch as parts of the ceiling crumble away falling down into the trenches. Gandalf jumps next just as arrows start to fly towards us bouncing off the rock. Skylar shields the others as best she can spreading her wings out. Legolas and I return fire while Boromir jumps over with Merry and Pippen. Part of the bridge crumbles away and those left on that side stumble backwards away from the growing hole.

I continue shooting arrows and see Sam safely reach our side. "Nobody tosses a Dwarf." I smile at the comment and watch as Gimli jumps missing the edge by millimetres, Legolas grabs his beard and Gimli scowls grumbling as Legolas pulls him upright away from the edge. More of the steps breaks away leaving a gaping hole between us and Aragorn and Frodo who are still on the other side. A large rock falls from the ceiling breaking the part they are standing on from the wall. 

It teeters backwards before falling forwards, we all take off again towards the bridge. The rest of the steps collapse behind us as we reach the bridge. Gandalf stops "Over the bridge, fly." everyone runs past and I stop next to him but he pushes me gently "Go." I run over the bridge and he follows shortly behind. Out of the growing flames the great beast raises roaring loudly. Skylar lands next to me and roars back.

Everyone is now safely on the other side of the bridge except Gandalf who stops in the middle and raises his sword and staff "You cannot pass." the others have made it halfway up the steps but I cannot bring myself to move from where I am standing. Gandalfs chanting reaches my ears "I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!" I watch his staff grow brighter.

The balrog raises a blazing sword and swings towards Gandalf who blocks the sword with his own. The Balrog growls and Gandalf sneers back "Go back to the shadow." It steps forward and swings a flaming whip which causes Gandalf to take a step back. "You shall not pass!" Gandalf brings down his staff and a flash of white light causes the Balrog to step back slightly. It moves forward but the bridge collapses underneath it and it falls flailing into the abyss. 

I smile and Gandalf turns, but the glowing whip grabs his ankle and he disappears over the side only just grabbing on with his hands. "No!" I go to run forward but someone grabs my arm "Fly you fools." he lets go and disappears into the blackness. I hear someone yell but I am not sure who it is, I have a feeling it was me. I vaugly hear Boromir yell for Aragorn and turn to find Legolas pulling me up the steps away from the arrows that are flying at us.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now