The road of Dimholt

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I sigh and stand pulling Legolas up with me "Well we can't let him go on his own." he nods and Gimli walks over "What are you two talking about?" I sigh "Pack your things we're going with Aragorn." he looks confused and Legolas places a hand on his shoulder "He plans to go down the road of Dimholt." Gimli growls and runs of to grab his packs. 

I pack away my belongings hastily and whistle Ivy over making sure everything is secure. While slinging my bow and quiver onto my back I turn to Skylar "I can not ask you to come with us." she pouts slightly "But I want to." I nod "I know but I need you to do something for me." she stands up on her back legs her face almost level with mine "I'll do anything." 

"There is another entrance to the mountain, we will meet you there. If we do not appear within two days you fly straight to Gondor and tell Gandalf what has happened. While you wait scout the area for any other armies that could attack these men do not need any more surprises." she nods and I kiss her forehead "Stay safe little one. Stay here tonight and watch over the camp leave when the armies do." she nods and I sigh kissing her again.

I turn back to Ivy and walk with Legolas and Gimli through the tents closest to the road entrance. Aragorn walks past and Gimli stands "And where do you think you're of to." Aragorn shakes his head slightly "Not this time. This time you must stay Gimli." I walk with Legolas to his other side and cross my arms as Legolas says "Have you learned nothing of the stubbornness of Dwarves?" 

Gimli scowls and I smile "You might as well accept it. We're going with you whether you want us to or not." The four of us ride through the rest of the camp and I see Theoden and soldiers gathering behind us watching us disappear into the gloom. The horses stay mostly calm until we get further inside closer to the door. 

Legolas starts explaining why the army is in the mountain to Gimli and we dismount as the walls of the valley grow closer together. I remove all my weapons from Ivy placing them on myself along with the few pieces of jewelry I have come to treasure which I secure in a safe pouch in my quiver.

We come to a stone door and Legolas reads the inscription on the door. A ghostly wind comes from inside causing the horses to rear and disappear back the way they came. I scowl slightly and Aragorn stands tall "I do not fear death." he walks through the door disappearing into the dark. Legolas and I shortly follow with Gimli at the back.

I take my bow from my back holding it loosely in my hand scanning the darkness for anything but can't see a thing. A light flares in-front of me and I see that Aragorn has lit a torch. Gimli seems very tense and keeps asking questions which Legolas answers. A pale fog surrounds our feet and hands reach up grabbing at our clothes and weapons. I pull away and move closer to Legolas.

I turn to make sure that Gimli is alright and find him trying to blow the ghostly hands away. The ground beneath Aragorn makes a loud cracking noise and he whispers "Do not look down." I look straight forward mentally rejoicing in the fact that I walk so lightly I do not make any horrible crunching noises on which I am guessing are human skeletons. Gimli either doesn't hear or doesn't listen and I hear him taking extremely loud steps as he looks down clearly trying to step lighter.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now