Army of ghosts

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We continue on into a large chamber strange things carved in the rocks. A voice echoes around us WHO ENTERS MY DOMAIN? I grip my bow tighter looking for the source of the voice. In front of us a ghostly figure appears with what looks like a crown on his head. Aragorn stares at him "One who will have your allegiance." THE DEAD DO NOT SUFFER THE LIVING TO PASS. Aragorn scowls raising his torch slightly "You will suffer me."

The ghost starts laughing, a horrible noise that goes right through me. It echoes horribly in the large room. The four of us turn to find the wall lit up with pale light as more ghostly figures emerge all of them soldiers of some form, wielding weapons of all kinds. THE WAY IS SHUT. IT WAS MADE BY THOSE WHO ARE DEAD. AND THE DEAD KEEP IT. More figures appear all walking towards us. I edge closer to Legolas keeping a tight grip on my bow as the ghosts form a circle around us blocking any possible escape.

THE WAY IS SHUT. NOW YOU MUST DIE. All the ghosts slowly advance closer forming a tighter circle. Their eyes are all milky and send a cold chill through me. Legolas shoots an arrow through the kings head but it just passes straight through clattering to the ground. Aragorn raises his head staring right at the ghost king "I summon you to fulfill your oath." the king scowls NONE BUT THE KING OF GONDOR CAN COMMAND ME! Aragorn raises his sword and blocks the ghost kings attack their swords clanging the sound of steel on steel echoing through the room.

THAT LINE WAS BROKEN. The ghost sounds angry but Aragorn reaches forward grabbing him in a choke hold as he says "It has been remade." he pushes the ghost back and addresses all the surrounding ghosts "Fight for us, and regain your honor. What say you?"

He raises his sword the ghosts parting for him to pass "What say you?" Gimli tells him not to bother, wisely he ignores him saying "I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me and I will hold your oaths fulfilled." the ghosts all remain quite staring blankly at us. Aragorn repeats for the third time "What say you?" the ghost king lets out another haunting laugh and they all begin to fade back into the darkness from which they came.

A cold wind whips through the room followed by a loud creaking and groaning. Skulls roll along the ground and the wall behind us collapses millions of skulls pouring out. I choke down a scream and follow the others jumping along the pillars of rock fighting against the stream of skulls. Rocks fall behind us and we run down a small corridor and out into the sunlight followed by a cloud of dust.

In front of us lays a river black ships sailing up leaving burning houses behind. A familiar raw reaches my ears and I look up to see Skylar descending next to us. I smile and wrap my arms around her. She growls slightly "You stink." I chuckle "You try wading through skulls and see how you smell."

I turn back to the ships counting them before something moves through the rock behind. The ghost king appears in front of Aragorn and says WE FIGHT! I smile and Legolas nods slightly in my direction. I stroke Skylars nose "Ready to cause havoc?" she stretches "Of course." I smile and Aragorn nods "Lets get this army to Gondor."

Skylar takes of again flying down to the ships and the four of us take of running down towards the river bank so the ships will see us when they pass. The ships are laden with men all bearing swords and various other weapons.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now