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We stop on a small hill and Gandalf smiles "Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Theoden, King of Rohan. His mind is overthrown, Saruman's hold over King Theoden is now very strong." we continue riding closer to the the buildings. We ride through the gate and up through the streets people staring as we ride past. Gimli frowns looking around "You would find more cheer in a graveyard." I frown Skylar, stay close. She drops so she is flying next to me and we continue up to the Golden Hall.

Leaving the horses we dismount and walk up the main steps to the front door. As we reach the doors they are thrown out and three men walk out. The one at the front speaks "I cannot allow you before Theoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue." Gandalf nods and I remove my bow, quiver and swords. I then remove all of my daggers and knives handing them to a guard. I leave the small dagger from Ailmar hidden below my shoulder pad. Skylar looks at me confused. The man turns to me "The creature can not enter."

I scowl "She is not a creature." Skylar bares her teeth and I smile slightly "Skylar lets not eat anyone today." the man looks confused and I continue "Stay outside and out of trouble. I'll call if we need help."  she sits on her hind legs and glares at the man who turns to Gandalf "Your staff." Gandalf smiles slightly "You would not part an old man from his walking stick." The man nods and we follow him inside. Skylar goes to follow us but I shake my head "Please stay outside." she huffs and lays down.

I walk next to Gandalf and at the end of the room sits Theoden and a small man with greasy hair that hangs around his face and very pale skin. I scowl he looks like Alfrid from Laketown. He leans forward and whispers to the king "My lord Gandalf the Grey is coming." The doors are shut and locked behined us and guards appear all around the room. As we walk forward Gandalf speaks. "The courtsey of your hall is somewhat lessened of late Theoden King." The greasy man whispers again "He is not welcome."

The king lifts his head slightly his skin is grey and wrinkled and his hair is all whispy and sticks out in all directions. "Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow." The man who I figure is Grima Wormtounge nods "A just question, my liege," he stands "Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest." he walks closer to us and I watch as I group of men watch our every move from the side of the hall.

Gandalf scowls "Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not crossed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." he raises his staff slightly and Wormtongue takes a step back obviously scared. "His staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff." he backs away and the group of men who where watching us run forward attacking. Gandalf walks forward staff raised and I watch as the man who spoke to us earlier stops a man from drawing his sword. I follow close behind Gandalf keeping the men away from him as he speaks.

"Théoden. Son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows. Hearken to me!" I see that all the ones who attacked us are on the ground and Gimli has Wormtongue on the floor. Gandalf speaks again raising a hand "I release you from this spell." Théoden starts laughing "You have no power here Gandalf the Grey." Gandalf throws of his cloak revealing the white robes beneath. He points his staff at Théoden and he looks like he's in pain. A young girl runs into the room and Aragorn restrains her. She runs forward and I watch as Théoden's hair turns blond and his colour returns to his skin.

Gandalf steps back and Théoden looks up obviously in shock "Gandalf?" he smiles "Breath the free air again, my friend." Eowyn helps him stand "Dark have been my dreams of late." Gandalf smiles slightly "Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword. One of the men step forward holding out a sword in its scabbard. Théoden reaches forward drawing the sword. 

Two guards grab Wormtongue and open the doors throwing him out and down a flight of steps. Théoden follows walking towards him "I've only ever served you, my lord." Théoden scowls "Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" Théoden raises his sword but Aragorn rushes forward stopping him from killing Wormtongue "Let him go. Enough blood has been spilt on his account." I smile slightly and Skylar stands next to me glaring at Wormtongue Would you like me to kill him? I smile and shake my head He will get what he deserves. Wormtongue stands and runs pushing through the crowd of people and disappearing on a horse.

Someone yells "Hail Théoden king." and the crowd of people all bow. He turns "Where is Theodred?" Eowyn who is standing next to me goes tense. "Where is my son?"

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now