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I have been home for several days now and Skylar has read about fifty books keeping her favourites in a pouch on her front which I have never noticed. I walk out of my room with Skylar wrapped around my shoulders. She hasn't grown very much but does seem to weigh a bit more, but I have a feeling that it's the fifteen books shes carrying. "Mother?" I smile "We talked about this." she nods "Y/N, who is this male you are looking for?" I smile "He's an old friend." she nods "Have you got any new books I can read?" I smile "I told you can read whatever you want in the library." she nods and her eyes lighten slightly her mouth stretching which I've come to know means she is smiling. "I don't want to damage them."

I smile "Thats why you bring them to me first?" she nods and smiles again I smile "I'll get you some more books after I find Ailmar." she nods and rests her head against my chest I walk around a corner almost walking into someone. The person blushes and instantly steps back "I'm erm sorry." I smile "Ailmar." he nods and starts to walk away but I grab his arm "Why are you avoiding me?" he shakes his head "I'm not your highness." I smile "Please don't leave. I've been trying to talk to you for days.

He nods and stares at the floor "Come on we will go and walk around the gardens." he nods but doesn't lookup. "Ailmar please look at me." he looks up briefly before looking down again "Please tell me what is wrong." he smiles, "I told you I would try and move on but I cannot. I..." he tails off and I frown "Ailmar please, you know I didn't want to hurt you." he nods "I do not blame you." I sigh and stop walking turning to face him. Skylar pokes her head up and glares at Ailmar "Why are you disrespecting my Mother?" he looks shocked "Mother?" I smile "This is Skylar. Her parents are dead so I'm raising her.

Smiling slightly he nods "Well it's nice to meet you." she bows his head and sniffs him slightly He has deep feelings for you. I smile You got that from a sniff. She nods slightly and I shake my head slightly and Ailmar looks slightly confused. "You can talk mentally with her?" I nod and smile "Why did you tell Willow that you had moved on?" he shrugs slightly "She kept giving me sad looks and asking if she could help." I nod and notice he is wearing the necklace that I gave him "You know that I care for you a great deal. However, I am sorry I cannot return your love." he nods and goes to walk away "I hope you find happiness and someone who deserves your love and affection."

He turns back and smiles slightly "You are the kindest and most caring person I know. You never judge someone on first impressions and even when I told you I loved you, you still tried to help and to not hurt me. I know you do not feel the same way but I'm okay with that as I will love you as a sister and move on." Skyler tilts her head to the side "I like him." I smile and stroke her head "He is a very good friend who I do not deserve." Ailmar blushes slightly then bows his head "Excuse me, I must return to my duties." I nod and he walks away. Skylar swishes her tail slightly "His emotions have changed." I smile "You can feel his emotions?" she nods "I can smell them."

I laugh slightly "Come on, lets go get you some more books." Once I've fireproofed thirty more books for Skylar she settles on the foot of my bed reading contently. I smile and start packing my things into saddlebags. I leave the bracelet and crown from the dwarves on my desk and look for a bag to put them in to protect them. I find a small leather one and place them inside before placing them in one of the saddlebags. I close them and hang my armour up on the wardrobe door my weapons on the floor. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now