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(time skip to LoTRs time) Summary: You have been riding around Middle Earth helping anyone you can. Killing orcs and uruk-hai. You are known all over for your generosity and kindness. Although many people are scared of you and the dragon who is very protective of you.

It is currently early morning and I am combing through Ivys main. Skylar has grown slightly and can now fly for short periods of time. She can now speak ten languages and knows more about Middle Earth than me. She is around the size of an artic wolf and is growing very quickly. She is also eating meat but gets along well with Ivy and Ash. A caw in the sky causes me to look up to see a large owl approaching. I smile and he lands on Ivy's saddle holding his leg out towards me.

I take the note of his leg and smile at the letter from Gandalf, always getting involved in everything. He's now found the one ring and is on his way to Bilbos birthday I smile and tuck the letter in my pocket "We're going to Rivendell." Sylar smilies "There's a big library there." I smile and stroke her nose "Yes but you can't take books from that one." she frowns and I smile "Unless you ask Lord Elrond." she nods and I start to pack up my belongings hiding any signs of my being there. "Skylar lets go." she hops over and climbs up onto Ivy sitting behind me on the saddle. 

It takes two days to reach Rivendell with Skylar leaving every so often to eat. I stop outside the gates and jump down Skylar walking alongside me. Lord Elrond and Arwen appear and both smile "I was wondering when I would see you again." I smile and bow my head slightly "Gandalf summoned me." he nods "I will never understand what is going on in that Wizards head." I laugh and Arwen smiles crouching in front of Skylar "You've grown."
"Thank you."
she looks shocked "Also talking well thats new." I smile "We have a lot to catch up on."

She nods and Elrond smiles "Come I'll have a room prepared while we talk." I nod and Skylar hops up the steps managing not to trip over her claws. I follow and allow Ivy to be lead over to the stables. "How have your travels been?" I smile "I have killed many orcs and have made many enemies but I have also seen the good in people." he nods "Have you been East beyond the borders of Gondor?" I shake my head "I could feel a darkness growing there, I did not go to Gondor." he nods and Skylar jumps up onto the table "I am terribly sorry to interrupt but may I take books from your library?"

I smile and stare at the ground trying not to laugh. Elrond looks slightly shocked but nods slightly "Of course, just please be careful." she bows her head and I hand her the potion that I made to protect books from fire. She takes it in her claws and jumps off the table walking towards the library. I watch her go and Elrond smiles "She seems to be quite nice for a dragon." I smile "She knows her past and she knows the whole history of Middle Earth practically off by heart." 

He smiles and Arwen tilts her head "Have you seen Legolas recently?" I smile at her "No, how is Aragorn?" she flushes and I smile Elrond looks slightly confused "Thrandruils son?" Arwen smiles "It does not matter Father."  She stands and offers me her arm "Walk with me?" I nod and bow my head towards Elrond before standing.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now