Final preparations

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I groan rolling closer to Legolas pulling the duvet up over my head "I don't want to get up." he chuckles brushing his lips over my forehead "I have to go talk to the guards." I pout "Fine." he grins pushing the blankets away from my face "Have fun with wedding planning." I sigh "Will do, I have to organize bridesmaids and finalize the guest list." he nods "Did you get all the dwarves?" I nod "Yes." he grins leaning down kissing me gently "I love you." I lean up chasing his lips with mine "I love you too." smiling he stands pulling on a shirt before turning kissing me once more "I don't think I'll ever get enough of your kisses." 

Sitting up I wrap my arms around his neck "Then stay." he sighs "You know I want to, but I have to go and you have a meeting with your mother." groaning I lean my head back before kissing him once more "Fine. See you later." he leaves and I start to get ready having a quick bath and brushing through my hair. Finding some clean clothes I change quickly and hop out the room while pulling on some shoes realizing I'm about twenty minutes late. 

Hurrying through the corridors I smile fleetingly at the guards skidding to a halt in front of my Mothers room. I knock on the door before entering smiling brightly "Sorry I'm so late, I lost track of time." she stands with a flourish "No matter, you're here now. I have asked Willow, Tauriel and Daciana to be bridesmaids as requested. Legolas has sorted his own best man. I just need you to do a dress fitting to make sure it fits."

The door opens Willow and Daciana walking in. "Y/N." I grin hugging them both "Its so good to see you both." Willow grins "I can't believe you wanted me to be your bridesmaid." I laugh "Of course I do, you're one of my closest friend." we pull apart and Daciana takes my hands in hers "I am so happy for you sister." I beam "Thank you." the door opens once more and Tauriel walks in, I run over hugging her "Its so good to see you again." she grins "You too and congratulations." we pull apart and my mother grins "Excellent, we are all here. I have the bridesmaids dresses here and Y/N your dress is just through here."

Two maids help me pull on my gown and I twirl admiring the fanning fabric and colours. It looks incredible. I walk out and the others all clap "You look beautiful." I grin spinning around before admiring the bridesmaids dresses "You all look incredible." 

Legolas P/O/V:

I pull on my collar staring into the mirror while the tailor finishes altering my sleeves. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." I grin "It is wonderful to see you again Gimli." he grins "I hope I don't have to wear that." I chuckle "I don't believe so but Y/N's mother is in charge of everything." he laughs "Did you get a choice?" I chuckle "No, but its not that bad. She is actually very helpful." he nods staring at my head.'

"Are you wearing a tiara?" I frown "It is a crown." he chuckles "Right. Where's Aragorn? Don't tell me hes not coming." I smile "He will be arriving in a couple of days." he nods and sighs "Well this is quite a nice place. All my father got to see was the throne room, the cells and the wine cellar." I stare at him blankly at a moment "Your father?" I feel my eyes widen "I remember. Your father was apart of Thorin Oakenshields company." he nods grinning "He couldn't believe when I said I was friends with ya." I chuckle sitting opposite him "Y/N was friends with him I believe." he nods "I believe the remaining members of the company are coming to the wedding." I nod "It should be interesting." he laughs "Absolutely." 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now