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"Ready to go?" I nod and kiss Legolas gently "Lets go say goodbye." I sling my bow and quiver onto my back and grab my last saddle bag before following Legolas out the room Skylar trailing behind us. The others have all gathered in the courtyard standing with Ivy and Legolas's horse. I hug them all in turn before turning to Lord Elrond "Thank you for your kindness and hospitality." he nods slightly "Of course. You know you are always welcome in Rivendell." I nod and bow low before turning to Gandalf and hugging him tightly "Stay safe old friend." he smiles "You as well my dear."

I smile and mount Ivy "I'll see you all at the coronation." Legolas and I both turn and ride away from the others "Do you think your parents will be okay with us?" I smile "Of course they will," I turn and watch Skylar flying overhead "They liked you enough when they first met you. I don't see why there opinions should have changed." he smiles "I love you." I smile "I love you too." 

We continue riding until nightfall when we stop for the night. I start a fire and Skylar lands next to us stretching out on the floor. I yawn and sit next to Legolas leaning my head on his shoulder "The stars are beautiful tonight." he nods smiling "Not as beautiful as you." I blush slightly and kiss him running my hand through his hair "I love you Legolas." he grins kissing my cheek then my lips "And I love you Y/F/N." Smiling we lay back and watch the stars slowly falling asleep wrapped in each others arms.

The next morning we rise early and start riding again. "We should reach Asenlone by tomorrow morning." he nods and I look up watching Skylar swooping around occasionally diving down then up again possibly hunting a rabbit or something similar. 

"Are you looking forward to going home?" I smile and nod "My niece and nephew will have grown. My parents will fuss but I'm really looking forward to seeing my brother and sister in law. I think Skylar is looking forward to seeing the library more than anything else." he chuckles "I never thought a dragon would like to read so much." I smile and shrug slightly "She is one of a kind." We stop again after sun set to sleep and I lay next to Legolas with my head on his chest. The next morning we wake early and start riding again.

"Y/N?" I smile "Yes?" Legolas shifts in his saddle slightly "What do you think will happen to us after the coronation?" I smile "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I shrug "I don't know maybe settle somewhere. Travel a bit more without having to fight." he smiles "Sounds nice." I nod and we reach the woods surrounding my home. Skylar lands next to us and I smile "Might want to stay low, don't want to scare anyone." she nods and waddles along next to us as we ride slowly through the trees. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now