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(time skip 1 year)

Groaning I roll onto my side trying to get comfortable but can't. Sitting up I pull my knees up putting my head between them. Legolas walks into the room and is instantly by my side rubbing my back "Still can't sleep?" I nod letting out a groan "I've tried everything I can think of. I think I'll go and see a healer tomorrow." he nods wrapping his arms around my shoulders "Can I get you anything?"

I shake my head leaning into his warmth "No, I'm alright. Thank you." He changes out of his uniform and into a loose pair of trousers laying next to me on the bed wrapping his arms around my waist "Goodnight love." I smile moving closer to him "Night."

The next morning I wake early and have to run into the bathroom leaning over the toilet as I empty out my stomach. Kneeling on the ground I lean my head on my arm breathing heavily "I'm getting the healer, this is the third morning in a row." I nod shakily and he presses a kiss to my forehead "I'll be right back." he leaves tugging on a shirt. Leaning back against the wall I start sipping at a glass of water. The door opens and Legolas hurries in followed by a female elf. "Princess Y/N, I'm Elira. How are you feeling?" 

I sigh "Awful. I can't sleep very well and three mornings in a row I've been in here." she nods placing a hand on forehead "Do you mind if I try a couple of things?" I shake my head and she places a hand on my stomach before staring into each of my eyes and taking a couple of herbs out of her pocket and putting them in a glass of water "Drink." I do so and she waits a moment before smiling brightly "Congratulations your highness." she stands helping me to my feet "Your going to be a mother." I'm glad she's still holding my hands as my knees go weak "I'm pregnant?" 

She nods beaming and Legolas's eyes widen before a large smile spreads across his face "I'll leave you to celebrate." she curtsy's and leaves. Legolas rushes forward picking me up and spinning us around "We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a father. We're going to have a family. Who should we tell first?" I laugh. Kissing him gently cupping his face "I don't mind, we're going to be parents. We're going to have our own little family." he puts me down carefully putting his hands on my stomach "I'm going to love you so much little one." I laugh and feel tears starting to run down my face "Don't cry love." I laugh "They're happy tears." 

Once we have got over the initial shock of finding out I'm pregnant we both get changed and head to the dinning room. I grip his hand tightly "Ready?" he nods and brings it to his lips kissing it gently "For anything." we walk inside and Thrandruil looks up from a letter he is reading smiling slightly before looking down again. We both sit and Legolas clears his throat slightly "Ada, we have something to tell you." he places the letter down frowning "Is something wrong?"

I shake my head "Nothing is wrong, you're going to be a grandfather." he freezes up staring at us both blankly "Ada are you alright?" 

"I'm going to be a grandfather?" we both nod and he smiles brightly "Congratulations both of you. How long have you known? Have you told your family yet?" I shake my head slightly "We only found out this morning." he smiles at the table whispering to himself "I'm going to be a grandfather."

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now