Skylar and Thrandruil

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We walk into the throne room where Thrandruil is sitting on his throne talking to a guard. He looks up and waves a hand dismissing the guard "Legolas, Y/N. Are you alright?" he stands "You look awfully tense my dear." I manage a small smile "I've had an unexpected visitor, she is in one of the empty guest rooms." he grins "Why didn't you bring her here?"

I take a deep breath "She is not an elf."

"Human?" I shake my head and he makes a strange sort of face "Dwarf?" Legolas takes my hand gently which I squeeze gratefully "She's a dragon. But I swear she is harmless. I've raised her since birth, the only thing you should worry about is your books going missing."

Thrandruil remains stoic as ever gripping the arms of the throne tightly "A dragon? In my home? And you say she is harmless?" he laughs "Dragons are not harmless. They are vile, brutal creatures who are only capable of destruction." I grip Legolas's hand tightly "Please, I can promise she is harmless. If you would just come and meet her."

He shakes his head and Legolas steps forward "Father, I have met Skylar. She is not like any other dragon. I swear she is harmless." he stands walking over slowly "You have raised her since birth?" I nod "Yes, the egg was a gift from King Thorin. He did not wish to keep the dragon in the mountain so I raised her. She has been a loyal companion and friend, she is family."

After a pause he lets out a sigh "I wish to meet her before I decide anything." I smile brightly "Of course." he frowns "I can not promise anything though." Legolas smiles kissing my temple whispering "I have to go." he bows to his father and leaves, Thrandruil smiles tightly "Lead the way."

Nodding slightly I start walking fiddling nervously with the cuff around my wrist. Reaching Skylars room I push open the door and walk to her side scratching the top of her head "Skylar this is King Thrandruil." she sits back on her hind legs smiling "It is a pleasure to meet you." Thrandruil raises an eyebrow "You talk?" she grins "Yes sir, you have a lovely home."

A small smile appears on his face "Thank you, Y/N mentioned something about books?" she nods a small stream of smoke rising from her nostrils "Yes sir, I collect them. Would you mind if I looked through your library? I can fire proof your books so there won't be any accidents." he nods slightly looking more and more confused "Of course."

She bows her head and waddles out the room "She is quite something." I smile brightly "She is one of a kind." he nods turning his head and giving me a small smile "I wish to properly apology for the way I have treated you in the past. You are one of the kindest elves I have every met and you are the perfect match for my son. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness." I smile walking to his side "There is nothing to apologize for." he nods slightly staring out the open door "A friendly dragon, who would have thought."

He leaves leaving me smiling to myself. Gathering myself I walk to mine and Legolas's room sitting on the bed and reading. 

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now