Tracking the hobbits

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Slowly we make our way back to our camp. Aragorn and Legolas carry Boromir and I carry his sword and horn. Skylar flies up through the trees and towards the river The other two halflings have left. I know. We continue on through the trees and by the time we reach the waterside the two hobbits are on the other side. We take everything out of one of the canoes and lay Boromir down with his sword, shield and horn. Aragorn pushes the boat out into the water and we watch it float away before disappearing over the waterfall.

Legolas pushes one of the other canoes into the water "Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." Aragorn turns and we watch them disappear into the trees. Legolas looks confused "You mean not to follow them?" Aragorn nods slightly "Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." Gimli scowls "Then it has all been in vain. The Fellowship has failed." Aragorn shakes his head "Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippen to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind."

I take some of the Lembas and put it in my own bag along with another water skin. What we can't carry ourselves is loaded into the canoes and sent over the waterfall so that no orcs or Uruk-Hai can track us with it. Aragorn sheaths a small dagger "We travel light! Let us hunt some Orc." Skylar frowns "They don't taste very nice." I smile "Follow us in the sky." she takes off and Aragorn runs into the trees shortly followed by Gimli. Legolas turns to me "Ready?" I nod "Let's go." we follow the other two into the trees.

Legolas x reader part 2Where stories live. Discover now